Saturday, October 05, 2024

Nara Loves Swimming

 On Days that are warming up, and if we have time, I take Nara to the Local Lake.

There I throw the ball around the lake and she loves swimming to go get it.

If she could stay all dayI'm sure she would.




Sunday, September 22, 2024

A real primary for Evenlyn

 We went to church today and evelyngot to go to Primary.

There were so many kids there that she needed Grandma to be with her.

 Evelyn loved Primary at church.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mugnus colapse to sleep

Magnus decided he didn;t want to take a nap this afternoon,

So we let him stay up. but at about 6:00pm he colapsed on the couch.

So grandma to the rescue, he had a small nap and then dinner and bed.


Three Genearations playimng in the Bed

 Well what can I say, 3 generations playing in the bed and all having fun, witht he dogs as well.





Friday, September 20, 2024

Crazy photos from the week with the kids

 OK, during the week, you take Crazy photos from the week with the kids

Or the kids take crazy photo's

Either way they are fun.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Dress up Evelyn

 The fun of Grandchildern is the chnace ot dress up.

 even for the Dogs as well.


Monday, September 16, 2024

Loy Yang Wabbabies

 One of the Highlightd of going to Loy Yang 

to work is to see the Wallabies

The Wildlife and protected here and they are almost unafriad of any man.

So you can get quite close 


Ice Cream with the grandchildern.

 Ice Cream with the grandchildren. Evelyn and Magnus came down for the week with their mum, Lissa.

So to Celebrate the drive, so went to the Yarra Valley Chocolatire, t

o have Chocolates and ICE CREAM of Course.



Saturday, September 07, 2024

Gemma-ann's Birthday

Another Year, and Another year old.
This time we went to the Hat and the Hare to Celebrate
Breakfast there is a surprise for sure. but a great way to 