Family in KL.

Here are some family Photo's from KL.

The Kids are going so fast. Just need to paste davin as here is not here..

Christmas Party in KL.

The local branch in KL had it's christmas party on the Saturday before Christmas.
Fun had by all.

Even Lissa got to join in on the Play.

Butkit Tinggi trip

Got to Travel with the Girls to Bukit Tinggi. Interesting french village theme resort located in the hills above Kuala Lumpur.

Japanese Gardens

We went up to Bukit Tinggi with the girls and found the Japanese Gardens
The girls found the gardens wet byut enjoyable..

Little India for Gemma

Mum got to take Gemma to Little India and show her the sights. She enjoyed her first outting..

Christmas at Mega Mall

Chistmas at Mega Mall is a grand affair. The decorations are large with mini chirstmas village. Lissa enjoyed going and shopping with her Mum..

Central Market

We finally got to go to Central Market. This is as expected an overpriced Tourist Trap. But still worth the time to visit

Lissa Arrives

Lissa Arrives at last, And gets to come in assisted.


I got to spend one evening in Japan. And it was cold and raining so I little chance of getting out and about. But this was the view from my hotel window.

Hatchet Gardens Spartenburg

Hatchet Gardens are in Spartenburg. They are not large gardens and it was late fall, but still showed what are very nice gardens.

The wildlife is also very numerous around.

Truck in the USA

One of the Things I was impressed by was the trucks No real Old ones. And they are everywhere.

Southern Carolina Battlefields

On the Sunday I went to the Sountern Carolina Battlefields of Cowpens and Kings Mountain

Another enjoyable day in the Sun and temperture wasn't to bad.

Chimney Rock North Carolina

This was the first place I went to Chimney Rock in Northern Carolina. The tree were in the full Fall colours, It was a great day and lots of Photos taken

Greenville Southern Carolina

Greenville is a nice mid size town with a great park and main street
Nice to to visit

Tokyo Airport

This is one big airport, Lots of plans, Only problems was American Airlines office does not open until 10:30 so if your plan arrives 6:30 you have a long wait beofre they tell you you can go to the lounge.

But watching the planes great. This place has one a minute landing.

back for the USA

Sorry for being off line.

I went to the USa for two weeks for work. Got plenty of photo's so I'll update the blog later.


Fraser Hill

Frazer Hill was a disappointment. The main attraction there is the Pines Trees. Seen enough of them in NZ.
But the scenery getting there and coming back made all the difference. Waters that were clean and views to enjoy. Pity the haze was still bad.


Gita Bayu had a Halloween festival and it was enjoyable. Due to it being a night not much pictures

Another trip to History

Last weekend we went to Melacca again.
This we went by ourselve whereas before we went on a tour. the streets were very narrow and the shop small but the deals were good.

In the evening the Street become one back martket. With the usual Tourist junk.

Mum was in her element with material shops.

The shop even had out chinese herbalists.

Parking in Melacca is very hard to find in the narrow streets so be prepared to walk.

Being only one and half hour to the south it is easy to get to and enjoyable to all.

It Raining Again.

Lesson Learnt, When in Kuala Lumpur, and it starts to rain. Don't travel by road...
The roads here clop up bad. And it rains very hard.
Drains cannot cope, waterways overflow, puddles become lakes and generally everything gets wet. Oh and umbrella prices double..

China Town

Well we went to China Town this weekend. Mum got some Material and I enjoyed just looking.

China town is a shoppers delight, it has all the usual cheap copies and then has other stuff mixed in it. There are wet markets in the back streets. Small eating places tuck away in the back streets.

China is labelled as one street. but, step off that strret and the charater of thew area comes alive.

I love going to place. just for the scenery..

The bug and Dads Toy

Well we got two cars here in Malaysia
Cars here are very Expensive, makes NZ cars look very cheap, but it is due to all the taxes over here on cars.

Mums car is the Little Kancil. Smaller than a mini, but it can still go fast.
She loves it and has named it her MY bug.

As for mine, I got the Kai Sportage. Nice small 4x4.

Car Insurance is a nightmare over here, hassle appon hassle. And thats even with the standard rate that has to be applied by the companies..

As for events. Nothing to report. Had a couple of quiet weeks. Work is catch up on us..