Crazy week

Well what a week from hell.
Events at work have both me and jenny unhappy.
The house selling appears to have struck a slow patch with a buyer not willing to spent just that little bit more to make deal. So we're on hold again.
Now waiting for another buyer.
Now planning to move somewhere totally different but still don't know where.

So are we. Roll on next week.

Quiet week

Well Jenny and Myself have been having a busy wee, cleaning the house and looking at the property press.

Advertising starts next week. So we have this weekend to finsh up the clean up. On the weekend of the 25th and 26th have the open homes.

The girls have been quiet. Not much news from them....

Selling House

Yes the time has come for us to look for a new home.

We will cleaning up the house and putting it on the market
Moving to where we do not know.


Gemma in Aussie

Gemma appears to have settled into Aussie well, enjoying the heat.