New school for Stephan

Yes Stephan Has started school.

AISM is an International School not far from Gita Bayu.

He was so keen last Monday but now reallity has set in ans he has HOMEWORK.
He was so Happy with his New Uniform...

Rain and More Rain..

Well yes it does rain in Malaysia. We have found that when it rains, it rains hard.
This weekend it has been raining most of the time and usually hard. Causing puddles to become ponds. And traffic jams that stop for miles.

Even hear at Gita Bayu. It rains hard. Usually dropping lost of leaves at the same time. This means the gardeners are going to be busy for the rest of week.

Serdang Wet Market

The Serdang Wet Market is not far for us to travel to. It is on Saturday Mornings or at least that’s when we notice it. The produce all appears to be very fresh including the fish and pork on display. I would have suspected flies would have been a problem but that is not the case. All the stall try to remain clean but considering that it is a street stall that can be debated. We like the market as the locals shop here in there masses. Fresh fish of all sorts, live animals like frogs, chickens and turtles. We even had someone try and sell us a 6 foot lizard. We will be going back to this place in future just for the fresh fruit and Vegatables…

Gita Bayu Home

Here are some pictures of the home at Gita Bayu.

The clubhouse is nice but the pool is better to relaxing next too.
A quiet escape from the hustle and bustle of KL..

Excpet for the Trains, this is a beautifull place to be..

Gecko and Big Bugs

In Malaysia we have found th gecko's are very plentiful.

In the apartment building we are in there must be 40 that live there. Every night they come out and feast on the insects that come the lights. These little gecko's and small and fast, cute little thing. they even come indoors occasionally.

In the morning when you go out, there insect wing everywhere. And the occasional moth or Bug that was way to large gecko's like the moth in the attached picture. Its body measured 10cm long. Big enough to catch our eye in the morning...

EDS in Malaysia

Yes EDS is in Malaysia.

Based in large office in Cyberjaya

Church of Jesus Christ of LDS in Malaysia.

The church of Jesus Christ is small in Kuala Lumpur.
1 Branch in Ampang and another 2 in PJ.

But the saints are strong. Attached is a picture of the Ampang Chapel
It is a converted House.

The church is not allowed to advertise it's presence. And the Missionarys are not allowed to teach Muslim's But there are enough of the other races to keep missionary work alive.

We go to the Ampang Branch and church is the same family atmosphere where ever you go.

Trip to Morib

This weekend we went for a trip to Morib. It is about 30 south of the airport. thats about an hour away from us. We discovered that the Malaysian Maps have a lot to be desired. You cannot tell the difference in the size of a town from the map. Morib for example is a very small town. While Benting to the north (20 Mins) was a nice town with a large population.

The roads to Morib were flat, it is an area that is flat, use to be and is still in place a tidal swamp. Now it is an area growing Oil Palms. this area in prodominately Indian as well so there were a lot of Hindu Temples around that area.

It was an interesting day out, lessons learnt, Never trust the maps in Malaysia.
Always take plenty of food with you as you never know what size the town your visting will be.