Hindu temple in Sereban

The Hindu Temple in Seremban is unique. It is the only one where the temple entrance is not coloured. this one is just pale butter colours. this makes it unique. Some of the figures are coloured. It is also well maintained.

Chinese Temple Again in Seremban

Miow Lin tooks us next to the Chinese temple on the hill, The same one as we went to on CNY. The temple looked different in the day light and most of the decorations had been taken down.
But it was still a great place to visit.

Breakfast in Sereban

Breakfast in Seremban was great. Miow Lin took us to her favorite eating place for Beef Noddle soup, Pork porridge, dim sum and pork buns, all washed down with a very nice sugar cane drink. there was other stuff as well but I cannot remember the names.

Seremban Markets

We went to the Seremban Market. This is photograhic dream good light, good scenes and good people.

We went up stairs and had breakfast.

Malacca With Dad

We went to Malacca with Granddad.
We spent the day walking around the back streets and expolring the old town.

Little India again

Well we took Granddad to Little India and China Town. He enjoyed the sights and smells. We had some of the stuff in the Photo for dinner. NICE.

Equine Park Fish Market

This is a fish market that has everything except light to take great pictures with.

Duck anyone.

This Duck become a very nice dinner.
But it is wonderfull to see it prepared. Comes with sauces and stock. Just throw into a wok with heat with the sauces and stock. Put on a bed of rice.

KL Tower at Night

We went to KLCC at night this week so Stephan could go to the Movies with the church youth. While there I got the camera out to get these pictures.
Dad who is here enjoyed himself as well.

Indian Wedding Reception

The Wedding Reception was fantastic affair. Music, Dancing and great food,
And the Colours were all there. more then a 1000 guests and all feed well and entertained.
What a wedding. This is one experience I wouldn't mind doing again.

Indian Wedding

Well We Finally got to go to an Indian Wedding.
It was very Interesting to Watch, We arrived about 40 Minutes to late, due to the traffic, But the bride also got caught in the traffic so we arrived about 15 Minutes ahead of her.
The colours of the wedding were great. Oh to have a flash. The light was good on the wedding party but not anywhere else. So taking pictures was hard. But here are some.
We also went to the reception but that another set of photo's for you. We all had a great time.

Pool at Gita Bayu

Lissa Needed some Photos of the Pool at Gita Bayu.
More To come..