Philippines trip KIDS

Got this picture while in the city centre and school had just come out.

Intramuros Cathedal

While in the Philippines we went to the Intramuros Cathedal. Outside was not special but Inside it had lots of fine stain glass windows. They were also easy to take picture with when the ISO is set at 1800.

Philippines trip St Francis

This little Church sits in the middle of a major intersection and is hidden under an impressive statue.

Philippines trip trraffic

The Philippines trip had a prupose, to get to the temple. But getting there is the first task. Manila is one of the most poluted city in the world. the traffic is the major cause of it. The smell of smog sticks to you and the noise from the horns is unbearable, at least the Jeepneys were interesting..

Elephant Conservation Centre Again.

Now that Gemma-ann is he we decide that to go the Elephant conservation centre again. Gemma-Ann had missed out last time as she had flown out a week earlier. So this time we went prepared and we set to enjoy ourselves. Which we did. We feed the elephant, rode the elephants and both Dad and Stephan Swam with the elephants. Even Mum joined in.
A great day out and a do something Gemma-ann wanted to do.

Penang Hill Inclin

Well we got a chance to go up the Penang Hill on the inclin tram.
It goes up 800mtr. it went above the rain that was falling so we got to see the clouds from on the top. Occassionly it would break to let us see saome of the landscape below, but it was cool at the top.
It also give Stephan a chance to rest..

Fort cornwallis

Well we visited fort Cornwallis. quick visit as it was raining..

Lunch in Old town Georgetown.

Lunch in Old Georgetown was Indain it was hot and it was chicken. guess?.
The old town area of Georgetown is mostly old chinese building much like the ones in Malacca but most have bennd restored within the last 20 years. this was due to the bombing the Japanese did during the Second world war. Still a very nice area of town.

Buddhist Temples

Wat Chaiya Mangkalaram and Dharmikarama Burmese Temple. one with a Buddha the is lying down and the other with a Buddha the standing up. Both temple are just across the road from each and are a mixture of cultures. Due to it raining we could get many photo's.

Dinner of Sandwiches and Waffles.

here's some picture of Gemma enjoying the waffles we had to finish a day in Penang

Kek Lok Si Temple Buddha

The final part of the temple is a huge Buddha at the top of the hill. It was very large. and they are in the process of putting a large room structure over it. The pillars for the roof are made of Stone blocks that have been carved each one weighing many tonne. So they had all the stone block spreah out and numbered. the ride to the top was smooth but easy in the liitle life they had.

Kek Lok Si Temple grounds

the temple Grounds were nice and peacefull with Bonsia plants everywhere same of them very big. But there were more biludings then grounds.

Kek Lok Si Temple building

The temples main biulding has more then a thousand buddhas in around the walls. With the usual Candle in pineapple jars and music in the backgorund. but his one had a very nicely paint ceiling as well.

Kek Lok Si Temple

This Temple is one of the largest in Asia. So there was lots of work going on in it. We were here for a long time checking everything out. So I'll have to spread the photo's out.. The biulding is very large and set on a hill overlooking Georgetown

FIRM - Forest Research

Forgot about going to the FIRM -Forest reseach Centre Malaysia.

This was a disappointment. but a good day anyway.