Dentist almost done

Well I almost have had my teeth finish. Now Jennifer wants me to have more done. the new ones looks so good, that they are showing the two bad ones in the back. so I'm getting them done too.

Still for the same price of RM600 each that about NZ$220 each.

Lissa graduates

Yes, Lissa has graduated from Church College of New Zealand.. That’s two of the kids and with the school closing down. Means the last as Stephan will not be able to go there.. but we're heading to Melbourne and hopefully better schools for him..

Mekong Delta.

Yes we got down to the Mekong Delta, got to see a quick tour of some of the River Islands. I would have liked to have spent more time there but it was raining. but I still got some good Photo's

Saigon or HCMC

This place was not as good as they make it out to be.
A lot of french architecture and some markets but it seems to have gotten stuck in the 70's. Not an era I liked. But at least I found the Markets..


Hue another large city in Vietnam. it had a lot of history but the wars have destoryed a lot of it. But the food was great..

Hoi An - my kind of place

Hoi An is in the middle of Vietnam

It was a major port for 1200 years but 200 years ago the river silted up. So the town stopped growing and nothing new went in. but now the only thing growing are the Hotels. It was a mix of many cultures but the markets were fantastic.

Tickets Booked

yes we are coming home. Tickets are booked for the 20th of jan 2008 back in Auckland 21st Jan. We're coming home vene if it is for short spell before heading to Aussie

Problem of Too many Photo

problem how do you sort out 2100 photo's from a one week trip.
Easy chose your favourites.

problem two, how do you chop your favourite 300 photo's do to 20 or so for a blog.
Decision has been to put the ones that are not in the tourist brouchers

so over the next few days i'll try and add so of interest.

Vietnam Halong Bay

Halong Bay is about three drive out of Hanoi. It is one of the 7 wonders of this world. Even though it was very cloudly and smog had drifted across it was beautiful.

Photo are the boats in Halong and the second prove that jennifer got her feet wet..

Vietnam Hanoi

The Vietnam trip one one never to forget.
Shop of all sizes ans shapes, from Bamboo Ladder stores to Lunch on the run..

This is a place that supermarkets will never compete in.

Bad day at the Dentist

generally I have had a bad week. Work after coming bcak from the Holiday has been very busy.
On tuesday night while chewing one of the Vietnsmese sweet a large filling fell out and left me with big hole in my tooth but not much pain.

So wednesday Moring I went to the dentist. after some drilling and poking. he turned round a said the tooth was dead and it had to come out.
RM25 later I am down one tooth. But he promises me he can do a bridge for it for RM1400 in two month when it has settled down.

But this Saturday, I back in the Dentist to get the last of the Caps done and Jennifer is getting one of her Caps done.

All up Four teeth to be capped for RM2200.. Lets see of NZ can do that.