Prahan Market

Prahan Market is going to be the local market. More details to come..
But it was fun going through it for the first time.

a quiet street in South Yarra

This is the New Home we move into next week, Once we move in we'll get pictures of the interior

First Visit to Queen Victoria Market

Queen Victoria Market is the tourist market of Melbourne. But it is not what I was lead to believe. It is still a fully functioning Farmers market. And the stuff that it has is endless. Europe meets asia and otherplace I have never seen. The vegetable and fruits are global in diversity. the meat market is clean ad very fresh and not expensive. the stalls for the cloths again are of good quality and cheap. but I am going to have fun in The Deli Section. Only thing I have to remind myself is not to go there during lunchtime. It is packed by the locals pushing the toruist out of the way. the chesse were just too many to take note of. I asked for mature brie. And the response came back. "from what part of the world honey". the vendor had 46 to choose from.......

Melbourne City of Culture and Oppurtunity

I arrived one week ago homeless, jobless and not knowing when I would see my family again. Well the lord has blessed us.
At the end of one week I have a home to move into next week, I have a job, start on Monday, and it pays well too. and the family arrive in two weeks time.
Melbourne is not just a city of Culture it is city of Oppurtunity as well.

Stephan in Melbourne

Yes I'm in Melbounre and as expected the place is buzzing, but i'm to busy trying to get an appartment and a job to stop and look.
when I do I'll put picture on the blog..

Jenny is still at her Mums place trying not to go mad..

Finally back in NZ.

Yes after a 11 Hour flight we made it to New Zealand.
We are staying at Ann's place before I head to Melbourne to see if I can set things up there.

In the first week, Davin arrived. This was the first time we were togehter as a family in three years, so here are the photos.


Well we finally have left Malaysia, we will miss it greatly. We were farewelled from Malaysia by the members and friends. We were offline for the last two weeks. And now while in New Zeland the Mother-in-laws internet is very slow. As soon as we have improved the situation when we get to Melbourne, I will be updatbng the blog.