Victoria Market Meat Section

Queen Victoria Market, Meat Section

The Market Meat section we found was great value. There are about 20 venders, trying to sell meat. So they are all trying to sell the same cuts of meat in different ways and trying there best, to out do the neighbour. So the result, is one of the best meat selections you could look around and the prices are all reasonable.

Victoria Market Deli Section

Queen Victoria Market, Deli Lanes

Jennifer and I have finally had a chance to walk around this market, with the desire to purchase food. The deli Section has almost every sort of food item. Fresh breads made by local artisans, of the many cultural diversity groups. Cheeses are very much in the soft ranges at a majority. Mean while the processed different meats are more to the European cultures. Spices and pickles are also of global selection.

Pink rose teahouse on Chapel Street

We went for lunch there and was pleased to see the Yum Cha. Well we were shown to a window seat. Offers a reasonable choice of drinks. We chose Apple Juice, We don't drink tea of course. A then we waited for the offering to come. Wait is what we had to do.what did coem out of main area to us was nice but limited in range. they have a prtoblem of the waiter coming out of the kitchen and concentrating on the main floor. So we missed out on some very good looking floor.

Price wise, it was not that bad. Better if we had the range. Do we plan to go back, Maybe..

A bright and Sunny Sunday afternoon

On a sunny sunday afternnon Melbourne goes out to the parks. Sport parks, garden parks or beaches. We went to the Botanical gardens again.

Flowers at Botanical Gardens

We went to the Botanical Gardens this weekend. to check out the flowers.

It was agreat way to spent the time.

St Kilda's beach area

On a not so warm saturday at Easter we went to St Kida's Beach.

What did we learn about St kilda's when the sun not out it's not fun. But the steets around St Kilda's were full of food places, like bakeries that were brusting full of goodies. Instead we got a pack of chips...

So that was St kilda's Maybe in Summer it maybe interesting...

Walk to Work

Due to Work being so close I am now walking to work.
I can jump on the tram almost anywhere along the way.

Work as you can see is right next Park. It actually is the state memorial and has lots of trees and statues. A quiet place to sit and watch life go by at Lunchtime

LDS Chapel at Caulfield

We finally got to be able to go to the Caulfield Chapel this weekend.

It is a typical 1970 Brick chapel. that has been recently refurbished.
beautiful little chapel that we will be able to get use too.