chickens at QVM

While at the Queen Victoria Market you find some usual thing, How about chickens or ducks. I love QVM and as we get there about once every three weeks. It is still a place that changes each time we go there. Roll on spring and new sight and sounds.

moon festival in Melbourne

Well it's time of the year again..

Moon festival was celebrated at church as most of the ward is Chinese. A good time had by all.

Gemma-anns 21st Birthday

Gemma-ann had her party at the local chapel. About 40 people turned up and they had fun, there was lights, music and plenty food. there was a chocolate fountain as a extra, the theme was black and white. Gemma-ann had a great time and so did we

Ballons over Melbourne

We get balloons over our place regularly. They come over first thing in the morning.
Sometimes there is as many as ten but during winter they have been in there ones and twos.

It a nice sight first thing in the morning

Mormon helping hands

Well we went and help witht he morman help hands program this weekend.
We helped sort out and tidy up the St Kilda Adventure Playground.

Stephan was there of Course

And so was our bishop. A fun day held by all.