A Night at The Market

On Wednesday Nights, Queen Vic market comes to life. All the usual stalls are gone, and a lot more art stalls appear. instead of the usual 10 food vendor, there are 40 new ones.

The first night, we had a mixture of Spanish, Indian and Texan followed by a spiced lemonade.

It was a good night out, good, food, good music and great things around us.

Flower from Hell

At the moment in Melbourne it's spring, Thats a good thing right!

But then you have not seen this flower. Hay fever hell.

White and in bloom everywhere.

Drive to North East Melbourne - Alexander

On Melbourne Cup Day, Jennifer and myself decided to head north for a drive into the country up north of Melbourne. first to Seymour , Yea and then Alexander, finally heading back home through Maryville.

The country was already dry, but it was good to get into the country again, I find I need that on a regular basis. I enjoy the city but i am a country kids at heart. We got to see a lot of wildlife and the farming activity was still in progress, a change from the New Zealand habits. Still it was a good day out. Only 350 km round trip.