Daylesfood drive

Jennifer and i went for a drive together to try and De-stress. So we went for a drive to Daylesford. We just drove and relaxed, great day out.

Mornington trip

Stephan and I went for a trip to the Mornington Peninsula. It lasted most of the day and it was raining half the time. but we got to the end of it so we saw all the towns. looks like a combination of northland and Cormandel Peninsula. I can see why so many Melbournains go there for the holidays. I can say I've seen and been there.

New lens for bird life

I finally got a lens for getting closer to the birds. it a 500mm mirror lens. I trailing it out at the moment but I pleased with it so far.

Christmas Message

Yep no pictures.

Christmas was good for us this year. We settled on the lot we were purchasing on the 24th of December so we now own a piece of Melbourne. The contract with the builder was signed on the 21st so it is now up to the bank to approve the plans and we start.

Jennifer and myself are very nervous about this as it all the house money we have saved riding on this. It not like New Zealand, if a bank doesn't like you over here they have the right to make your life hell and we're changing banks.

So Christmas day was a quiet family affair with phones calls and Skype messages going most of the day. The turkey was grat as we had injected it with butter and Cajun spices. A great combination and it made the turkey taste incredible. The kids all got HP netbooks for Christmas so the house was full of computer questions. it's settle down now and there are no more arguments about who's turn it is on the mac. I just say "use your own" and they do. I also got an extra one for Jennifer and myself to use for when we're doing he genealogy and studies.

Lissa and Gemma are both planning to go to Brisbane for conference over the new year, so thing will be quiet for us as well over the new year.

Jennifer and I have been doing a few road trips and a little bit of shopping, but not much else.

Hope everyone has a great new year as we Will be , we're building a new home.

Piece of Dirt

**** UPDATE **** 23/12/2009

We now own a piece of dirt in Australia.
Well technically the Bank owns the land. but we can call it ours.


Well were finally ready to try to purchase some land in the city.
So this is it. lot 1113 in Alamanda sub-division.

If it goes through and we get the finance then we start to build a new home.
It will be about twice the size of the one we had in Auckland.

So we're praying hard at the moment.

Road Trip East

Well we just went to the east. The area is green at the moment and surprising looked like the king country of New Zealand.
the day was a bad day for photo's.

Australia is Yellow

When traveling across the western plains of Melbourne you begin to realise that it not brown, at this time of year, it's Yellow.
The field are large and all flowering.

Birds at play

While on my trip to the Grampians National Park, i stopped for lunch.
And these birds joined me.

The Wind Farm

On the road to the Grampians National Park I passed a Wind farm.
I went off the main road to get some pictures of them closer.

To me they were an asset to the landscape, I New Zealand, they object to them because of the way they look.
What a lot of rubbish. these wind mills look fantastic to look at.

OH well. I hope to a lot more of them in the future.

Grampians National Park

The Grampians National Park is a park about 3 hours drive to the west of Melbourne.
I went on a road trip to go and see, all of the family were working or regarded the 6hour driving as too far.

The ranges are a beautiful set of mountains. coming straight out of the plains. They just seems to rise out strong and majestic.
The Grampians National Park is mostly a rockery area. The only think that does well there is the wildlife and great views and vista's. It was also a great drive as I miss the country side a lot.

It was well worth the visit, but is best done at this time of year when the place has some greenery.

Dali the artist

The National Gallery of Victoria currently is running an exhibition for called Dali.
Jennifer and I went for an evening Date.

Dali is one of the great artists, It was a very interesting exhibition for a strange man that had talent.
Jennifer favourite was the painting of the bubble girl.
Mine was the anatomy of the swan

Lee's Asian Grocery

This is my favorite store in the Prahran Market, It is where I can get all the things that I remember about from Malaysia.
If they don't have something like the Fried Onion pieces , they will let me know where I can get them locally.

They now have them in the little stall. They have had the stall since 1952 so they have been around a while.

Prahran Market Fruit and Vegetables

This is where the Market is at it's best. The stuff here is at the price like the rest of town. And because it's close to home we can get what we need quickly.

I enjoy talking the guy in the stalls, and I have been given some great tips over time.

Prahran Market Meats

The Meat Section of the Market is much the same as the Deli section.

How many people eat Quail, Turkey, Rabbit and Kangaroo on a regular basis.
This part of the market even has expensive Sausage, every expensive cut you can think of, and fish is over priced.

So I don't go in this part much.

Prahran Market deli.

The Market just down the road. It's a great little market that local.

The Deli area is full of items for the Rich List that live in the area so it's not the sort of place to do much shopping.
But if you are looking for that something special, then this is the one for you.

I like to look around it, and wish a lot. Sometimes I get Ideas that I can make myself with cheaper results.

Still a great little market to walk arround.

Tahra's 21st

Tahra recently had her 21st, She's a great kid and one of the YSA, we take care of.
So Gemma and Christie arranged a surprise birthday party for her.

Lots of games and food with great friends. Even Stephan play computer games quietly into the late evening.

YSA Fast Breaker

The YSA in Caulfield had a fast breaker and it was a an enjoyable evening with lots of food, and a chance to just relax with friends.

Nocha Flamenca

As a birthday present for Jennifer, I got tickets for Nocha Flamenca. The show as fantastic. full of style and well worth the money. It was at the playhouse and we had seats near the front. We got all the sounds and emotion right there in front of us.
Sorry the pictures are off the night as I was not allowed a camera.....

Dinner and a good show with a slow tram ride home. A good night out.

Theresa and Allans Wedding

Theresa wedding was two weeks ago. It was a great wedding, we have helped these two through there meeting, engagement and finally wedding.

Jennifer made the dress, alter the bridesmaids flocks and made the grooms set of ties. Gemma help with the food and decorations.