Australia is Yellow

When traveling across the western plains of Melbourne you begin to realise that it not brown, at this time of year, it's Yellow.
The field are large and all flowering.

Birds at play

While on my trip to the Grampians National Park, i stopped for lunch.
And these birds joined me.

The Wind Farm

On the road to the Grampians National Park I passed a Wind farm.
I went off the main road to get some pictures of them closer.

To me they were an asset to the landscape, I New Zealand, they object to them because of the way they look.
What a lot of rubbish. these wind mills look fantastic to look at.

OH well. I hope to a lot more of them in the future.

Grampians National Park

The Grampians National Park is a park about 3 hours drive to the west of Melbourne.
I went on a road trip to go and see, all of the family were working or regarded the 6hour driving as too far.

The ranges are a beautiful set of mountains. coming straight out of the plains. They just seems to rise out strong and majestic.
The Grampians National Park is mostly a rockery area. The only think that does well there is the wildlife and great views and vista's. It was also a great drive as I miss the country side a lot.

It was well worth the visit, but is best done at this time of year when the place has some greenery.