Christmas as a family.

This year Christmas was at home in the new house with Family and friends.

We got to Skype Davin, family in New Zealand and in Perth.

But it was a time of doing very little except for preparing Christmas dinner and eating to much.

We had some friends that need a home for Christmas.

We were casually Dressed.

Playing Games with he Australian Version of Monopoly

Stephan had the chance to slice the Turkey

And we all got involved in Christmas dinner fun.

So where are we

Well I finally found a map that had the house on it.

Alamanda Clubhouse

We finally did the induction on the clubhouse  so we now use it. the clubhouse is a feature of the Alamanda Estate. It has a big car park but is only 10 minutes walk from the house

In front of it, it has a large wildlife pond.

It has a nice Cafe that also servers dinner in weekend.

Within the clubhouse is a Gym, Pool, large function room, Tennis courts.

Features of the New House

The house inside is finished, now we need to get onto the front garden, the design has been approved, now I just need the time and money to do it.

The Big Doors are still an issue and the need aligning, but it's beautiful when they are open.

of course Lissa in still sorting out her room. Each of the kids have a bedroom each.

Stephan Room is not much different…

The open bathroom has been something to get use to but the kids are now finding it easy to use.

The Library is started and has some shelves but needs a lot more. It also has the first of the rugs on the dark brown carpet.

While the big red rug is on the tiles in the family area.

The ensuite bowls are really looking good as well.

The Big Move- to Point Cook

Yes, the day has arrived and the we moved, on the 4th of December we finally got to move to the new house.

And moving day started early. We hired a Budget truck, I have a truck license so that was easy.

We had all the family, missionaries and friends loading the truck, and just as many at the other end.
The result was nothing broken and no backs giving out.  Living in the heart of the city is something already being missed and it only been a short time away. It has taken 3 years we now have a home in Australia. 

Stephan Graduation

Stephan has graduated at last from Seminary. Thats four years of study, Stephan is the last of the kids to do it.

George Kamikawa and Noriko Tadano

While I was down at Flinders station heading home I got hear a great busker musician.
George Kamikawa and Noriko Tadano are Western/Easten Blues players and they were good.

Or if you want to see more, try the link below.

New used for Dad

yes, with the prospect of moving to Point Cook, we'll need another car. Jennifer doesn't feel that waiting at the train station can is fun? I wonder why?

So this weekend we purchased a used car,

It's 1998 Toyota Rav4 Wagon with extra's of course.

OK so it not a BMW so I have to wait for that magic day .

Helping hands service project

The Mormon helping hands service project was on again this morning.
So we had planned to help in the Ashwood permaculture gardens. The rain in the morning threatened to have it cancelled but it stopped just enough for us to work there for 3 hours.

It was nice doing gardening again.

And Stephan enjoyed himself as well.

Gemma can drive

I always wonder why my dad never liked me driving his car.


Gemma-ann passed her driving test now on friday and now wants the car to go to parties etc.

It's a good thing we're looking at getting another car and I hope it will be Manual. Then I'm the only one that drives it.

Irises are out

Spring has finally come to Melbourne
This year though the winter has been wet so the plants are growing and flowering flat out.
The gardeners are working as fast as they can to keep the weeds under-control as for the lawn mowers, well they are just not keeping up.

But it's that time of year when the irises are out to bloom. They are still my favourite. I have already started buying them for the new garden as well.

I took the following photo's when I was in the botanical gardens last week.

Roadside wildlife

I went for the small Roadtrip with Stephan (JR) last weekend.

The wild life is all over the place. The big dry may have reduced the wildlife but not to us.

Point Cook Coastal Park

Well we have a Coastal Park near to where we will be moving too.

There's lots of birds

The plants are coastal but diverse. But the park does have one big problem, RABBITS and lots of them.

Spring at Last.

Spring is here at last.
These blooms are on the trees outside our new home. 
Target is now mid November to be moving in.

Burst Pipes

One of the most frustrating things about living in an old area of Melbourne is the water pipes are old too.

This morning the pipes burst again.. So no water for shower or drinking.

But there was a small steam outside, to let us know. Pipes have burst again....

New Job on the way

I'm leaving IBM. It's time for me to leave.
I now have new job to go to. I'll be a project manager for
Working on the Linfox account.

I start there on the 13 September, so we'll see how we go.

Winter Blues

This now the wettest winter in the last 15 years, and the dams are gradually filling up. Still not a good time to be building a house.

Michael and Raewyn

Hey, we got a visit from Michael and Raewyn last week, we had dinner at Little India.

Short nice visit. got to catch up on family news.

25 years married

It’s been a while since I’ve eaten at a Michelin Hat restaurant but 25 years being married is worth celebrating.

Da noi is a beautiful restaurant and well worth a visit. The food was great and the company, just me and jenny was perfect…….. :-)

NGV European Master

Well Jennifer and myself went to the european master exhibit at the NVG.

Not as good as the paintings we saw in Canberra.
Still something worth seeing.

Quick trip back to NZ for a long weekend

Last weekend I completed a quick trip to New Zealand to check up on family and t see how everyone was doing.

It was a strange feeling going back to New Zealand, But it was not home.  Home is Melbourne now.

Here are family pictures