Sunflowers on the road home.

On the way home we got to see a different kind of scenery. but we did pass a large field of sunflowers. The total km travel in the 3 days was 1850km.Thats from Russell in the North Island, New Zealand to Invercargill in the South Island.

War Memorial

We visited the War Memorial to finish a long day. and it was a long day.
The visit was to short, becuase it was the end of the day.

Parliament Building

Jenny wanted to go into Parliament, so we went. She even got to walk around on the grass roof without shoes.......

Masterpieces from Paris

The purpose of traveling to Canberra was to see the masterpieces from Paris. Van Gogh, Monet, Cherez and more

Well Van Gogh was the winner, we loved his painting "Starry Night". Monet came a very close second. Still had to wait in line for over a hour, but it took us over two hours to get around the exhib. Still very worth while.

Canberra Glass Works

We got to spend sometime watching the experts at the Canberra Glass works. First one was making a light stand from solid grass and another was making a large paper weight.

Canberra - the capitol - BORING

Canberra is a usual city. but it's Australia capitol. Only in Australia do they build a city around a hot air factory. Parliament is right in the middle and the city is designed around it. the gardens are good but full of weeds.

Old Bridges

On the trip we got to see a lot of old bridges. They were either road or rail. Most were kept as a historical landmark to show they could get flooods.
Here was old that was built in the late 1880's

Submarine in the outback.

You have to see this photo to believe it. A Submarine in the outback. believe it.
We found it in Hilbrook ,NSW on the way there. We had to stop and take photo's.

Canberra 1 - tablelands

Jennifer and I went for a trip to Canberra this weekend. this is the first set of photo's, the trip there was uneventful and boring. at least in New zealand the scenery is always changing. here in Australia, it does change much. we went across the Southern Tablelands and in the height of summer they were very bear.

Land and Finance

We now have the land and the now finance has been approved. So we're celebrating this weekend. Nothing we can see stopping us building.

Finally I looks like we could have a home of our own here in Australia.