Helping hands service project

The Mormon helping hands service project was on again this morning.
So we had planned to help in the Ashwood permaculture gardens. The rain in the morning threatened to have it cancelled but it stopped just enough for us to work there for 3 hours.

It was nice doing gardening again.

And Stephan enjoyed himself as well.

Gemma can drive

I always wonder why my dad never liked me driving his car.


Gemma-ann passed her driving test now on friday and now wants the car to go to parties etc.

It's a good thing we're looking at getting another car and I hope it will be Manual. Then I'm the only one that drives it.

Irises are out

Spring has finally come to Melbourne
This year though the winter has been wet so the plants are growing and flowering flat out.
The gardeners are working as fast as they can to keep the weeds under-control as for the lawn mowers, well they are just not keeping up.

But it's that time of year when the irises are out to bloom. They are still my favourite. I have already started buying them for the new garden as well.

I took the following photo's when I was in the botanical gardens last week.