Front Deck finished

At last the front Deck is finished, now I just need to get on with the garden.

The deck as you can see in the photos now has an extra post in the front, I was not going to pay the builder $2000 to install a post that cost us $128.00 and 2 hours for Stephan and me to install.

  As you can see in this photo, The edge is what call a raw edge. All the boards were from recycled timber 200x45, so they all need to be dressed, routed, cut, predrilled and then finally painted before being screwed into place.  Then they were oiled once in place. It took a lot of work and a lot long then planned to do. We are using the same process for the front garden, Oh and the Mailbox is the same as the deck. The neighbours are impressed and it looks like a very expensive job but it cost less then $1000 to do.

Now the garden design is coming together. we aiming for the bushy Australian look. Post, stones and rail all black except for the only colour coming from the garden plants. Lets see how that comes along.

Brisbane Ranges

We went to the Brisbane ranges last weekend.
Due to my car having to go in for servicing for the brakes. We took Jennifer's car.

Bad move, the dirt tracks(they try to call them roads) were very dusty and the car needed the dirt scrubbed off it when we got back. We saw very little bird life and the scenery didn't change much

Big Crab at the market

At the market, we occasionally see strange things. But this one is a crab. A very large crab.

It was still alive and note the normal sized crab on the left side of him. And NO we did not buy him.

RAAF Museum Melbourne

Well just to the south of us is the RAAF Museum, it only about 1.5 Km away as the crow flies or should I say as the Planes fly.

The museum has regular flying display most weekends. Today it the turns for the De Havillands,  Mustang and Douglas Boston planes. All have large noisy engines but they are beautiful aircraft.

And being so close, they fly low of us on a regular basis. Stephan and Myself like the planes and the noise they make. The girls couldn't care less.

Mushroom season

Each morning I go for a good long walk around the estate.
It is now mushroom season and because most of the landscaping has ben done with a fine black mulch the mushrooms are out in full force.

These are not edible.. but still beautiful.

Sleeping Beauties

Jenny took this photo of the kids asleep on the couch. And yes the couch is big enough.
Lisa eventually got up first with because of the smell of someones feet……

Melbourne Garden Show

Jennifer and I went tot he Melbourne Garden Show last weekend.

A chance to look around a see what was for offer look at garden designs.
We're gradually getting the front garden completed but it is very slow. this was to help choose plants and obtain Idea's. It was a good day out.