What do you need when you have 15m3 of mulch to move. A large number of hands. I put the call out to the church members to all come a help on the Saturday of Easter. I was expecting that they would do most of it and I would be spending the Monday finishing it off. Well the church members started to turn up at 9:00 and by 10:30 it was all finished. I had to rush just to take pictures of the heap that disappeared. It start as a Large heap that filled the drive way. Thank you to all the helped.
WELCOME TO DUCKNZZZ'S PAGE. This Page start back in 2005 as a Record of the events, fun and places my family are having. Having spent most of our lives in New Zealand, and 2 Years in Malaysia, and then in 2008 moved to Australia, which we now call Home. Then back off to England in 2016 for 2.5 years, before Finally coming home to Melbourne. Then moving to the hill's, just to find a community we like.