Christmas Lights 2013

This year we decided to put plenty of lights up on the house.
We have plenty in the street doing it as well.I took these photo's with the full moon behind the house. looks like day time.

Tomatoes growing

We planted Tomatoes again this year, they were slow to get started but then in the last week took off.
They are loaded with fruit this year and the garden looks great, that is due to a very wet Spring.

Black Iries finally Flower

I planted some Black Iries 2 years ago.
They finally bloomed and produce about 30 flowers.

Stephans Back from his mission

Stephan's back from his mission early due to medical reason. He was honorably released on the 5th October 2013.  He was only out for 8 months but was not an easy one from accounts.  It will take time to come right but I'm sure he'll make it.

So on his birthday we had a celebration.

Quiet Winter

It been a very quiet winter this year, with Stephan and Lissa away on there Missions.
It has been nice to have Gemma-ann at home us.

It is usual when you have new sub-divison , that that bird life is not there.

After being in teh house for more then 2 years, finally this spring the bird life is returning.
I see this Australian Hobby almost each morning as I got to the bus.

It starts my day off well when I see it. ( note I don't take this picture) it never get close enough for me to get a good picture

Lissa is still in KL

Yes lissa is still in KL.

Working hard.

Stephan the Missionary.

Stephan are having great fun on there mission

Not much information from Stephan who is in La Trinidad, Philippines

 This area is very hilly and he is getting very tied of all the stairs here has to climb.
But he is Still very happy being and doing missionary work.

Gemma-Ann is Finally back from the States.

Gemma-ann is back from the states and finally showing us some of her thousand odd of Photo's

Gemma-ann at her work

Graduation Day

Her first play day at Magic Kingdom
All of the room mates at Miami's South Beach
Enjoying Butter Beer at Universal's Wizarding World of Harry Potter (jealous?)

Gemma and her friend Aubrey on the top of the Empire State Building

More photos to come :)

Spudfest Trentham 2013

yes, last weekend we went to Spudfest, it's an annual event to celebreate the humble spud.
Trentham has the festive in the last week of May.

It was cold bleak day but nice for drive and when we got there, we were pleasantly surpised with what was there.

Quiet at home

Not much happening at home.

Gemma is still in the States

Stephan is in San Carlos,

Lissa back in KL... And they are all enjoying themselves
Maybe next month, thing will pick up.

Our two Missionies

Lissa is in Penang, Malaysia and Stephan Is now in San Carlos, Philippines

Both of Course want more money but that was expected.

Lissa eating with Elder Clive

and Stephans, first companion out in the field. Elder Savage.
Both of the look like they are enjoying themselves.

Stephan First Mission Photo's

Lissa Mission Photos #1

Playing in the Water

This is rare Picture that Jenny took, Here I am playing with the little ones, Johnny is 7 months and Ryan 2 years old. 

Perth Hills

I got to spend a day out on my own in the Perth Hills.
This where the Sand turns to Red Soil.
So I went for a drive to York
It was ran enjoyable drive. just cruising.

Although you did have to avoid the Wide Loads
these two are 793C Mining Truck Bucket

Nambung National Park

 National Park is a National Park about 2 hours North of Perth.

Better known for the Pinnacles, And the White Sand dunes are also amazing.

We had Janet and little Johnny as well. Another Great Day out in Western Aus.