Johnny goes to the Zoo

Well 1 week before Johnny goes back to Perth, I took Johnny to the Zoo
He was more interested in the playgrounds then the animals. And the Day was to go bad, He jumped off a playground hippo and hurt his wrist. So we went home early.
In the meantime I got the following pictures. He was is growing fast

Gemma Goes to the Temple

Gemma-ann was the last of the Kids to get to the Temple before their Missions. I don't expect David to ever go on the Mission. The family went all togther on the 31/5/2014
So it was a special day for us. And we had to have a photo shot as Gemma was to leave the following week on her mission.

Breakfast BBQ at Melton

Breakfast in Melton was an activity we had with the YSA, Supply lots of Bacon and Eggs on a BBQ
It was held at Bruns place and fun has had by all. 
We also went for walk in the orchard behind the house.


Easter - The Great Road Trip with the YSA

At easter we got the YSA to Join us for the Great road trip.
This year we went to Warnambool
So it was a 3 hour road trip there and then a Sacrament. The topic was of course, the joys of Missionary work.  Lissa had only arrived back the week beforehand and had the pleasure of joining us.
Melton Ward YSA supported us as well. It was a great turn and we doubled the branch attendance that day.
 And of course most slept the way back home.

Gemma-Ann gets her mission Call

Gemma-ann got her Mission Call

Gemma gets to go to the Auckland, New Zealand Mission.
She wasn't happy at first with the words "they're sending me home?"
But I am please to say the she is follow the scriptures and going where the Lord wants her to go.

Good On Gemma-ann

Janet arrives in Early Apirl with Johnny

 Janet Arrived in Early April with Johnny
So on Saturday we took him down to the beach
But Point Cook beachs are not like Perth. They are more mud then sand.
Johnny still enjoyed himself.

Planning for Johnnys Arrival

Jennifer was so keen on Little Johnny coming that she went a purchase toys, including a new wooden Train set.
Stephan Jr and Jennifer had great fun putting it together, just to prove it works of course.



Offline for way to long

Sorry to say but I have been offline for way too long.
So i'll be spending the next few days catching up on all the news.
Just so that it gets captured.

Finally a Flower

Finally after from the pond out the back.
We tried a Water Lotus, and that failed. 
They we tried a Water Lilly
Finally the miniature flower is out at last.

YSA First Dance

Well, Jennifer and I have been called as the Stake YSA Advisor for Wyndham stake. So the first Dance of the year was on Valentines day.

 It was beautiful night and great dance.  A good time held by all.

Summer in the garden

This year has been a difficult year in the garden.
Spring was cold and wet so the tomatoes and other vegetables were slow to get hold.
Summer is proving to be a dry and hot summer.

The tomatoes have finally starting turning red and the crop is not large.
But at leats the sunflowers are out

Major issue in the garden is the Possum and Birds. Only real issue is I''m not allowed to shoot them..

Oh well. I'm off to Bunnings to buy a pastic Owl...