
On September 29th, after having a day to catch up and get over jet lag. Liz got me out of the house and to Avebury
The oldest rock circle in the UK.
 Massive Rocks  moved by man 6000 years ago.
 A massive trench is on the outside and you can walk around it with a village, (Avebury) in the middle.
 The village has old home, old churches and more
 But it is the rocks people come to see.
 A Great Day to be out with my Cousin and to get re- connected after 30 years of not seeing each other.

Flight to London

I boarded the plane for Doha at 20:50 Monday the 26th.
The plane was an A380 from Qatar Airlines. and it was full
 First the Meal came out and then lights out by midnight.
Only for it to come back in 6 hours for breakfast, we then had to wait another 8 hours to land at Doha.
the sun was just coming up at Qatar when arrived and got to see the desert compounds.
 The plane arrived about 1.5 hours late, so it was dash threw the transfer security and rush threw to the departure gate. all in about 40 minutes. I did stop for 1 minutes to get a picture of the teddy bear.
 Only to hoop onto a Boeing 777-300er - for the last hoop to London.
London at Mid-day was low cold Cloud.  Liz, my Cousin was waiting for me. I was finally in England. Stepping onto the land I was born on. How I was to find this place,  lot more different than I could expect.

Sydney Waterfront

 Sydney is a Nightmare to drive in, so after dropping Ann off at the Airport went headed for the city center to do some sight seeing. We also end up driving across the Harbour bridge. We didn't plan it that way but we did. Finally found car park and headed for the Opera House. The sun was out an cooked us. Breakfast was in small Pancake Place. It was great. My last meal in Australia.
After that we went walking around exploring the Opera House, City and Botanical Gardens.

 We finished the day sitting on a park bench and fall sleep in the shade, watching the harbour traffic float by.  At 4:00 we said the goodbyes and I headed for the airport to catch my Flight to London.
It was very pleasant way to say goodbye to my sweetheart who I would see for 2 months.

Blue Mountains of Sydney

 On the Sunday after the Wedding, we need to chill out so we went to the Blue Mountains, Not much walk was required so we knew Ann would be OK.  It was a great day, just a little overcast, but the views were great.

We even found some waterfalls. to relax by.

Lissa's Wedding

Lissa's Wedding was on September 24th 2016
She married Jakob Balcon at the Sydney Temple at 11:00 in the morning, It was very small sealing ceremony but it was beautiful. They came out to lots of Family.
Jennifer looked Fantastic but didn't outshine the bride.

 The Ring Ceremony was a special time for me, as I got to spend some one-on-one time with Lissa to talk and remove bird poop from her hair. She was so happy and beautiful , nothing was going to spoil her special day.
 The reception was at the Camden Valley Inn at the marque was decked out beautifully with a small dance floor overlooking a wide valley. A great way to celebrate and great event and day.

But the two other girls were just a s happy and enjoyed themselves.

Tickets purchase, accommodation arranged

Tickets purchase, accommodation arranged
I have booked my Ticket with Qatar to London for the 26th Sept and Accommodation to start on the 4th of October
So it will be a crazy week
22nd Sept – I finish work with NAB
23rd Sept - Fly to Sydney
24th Sept – Attend Lissa Wedding
25th Sept – Show the Family Sydney
26th Sept - Fly to London
27th Sept – Arrive in the UK and stay with Liz
3rd Oct – Booked to stay in London one night
4th Oct move to Bermondsey for 6 weeks, trying to find work in London
And on about the 19th Nov Jennifer arrives….
Busy is going to be a state of Mind
Quote that I have been chasing on this adventure
       You have three choices in life:
        1. Take as few risks as possible.
        2. Take calculated risks.
        3. Take stupid risks.
       #1 is too boring. #3 is too crazy. #2 is the only path that makes sense to me.