Claydon House

 Claydon house is another NT
The house was not as much as expected
First we found the chapel
The one was here before the House

Inside the church was set up as if it was the  service to start the next day in 1800's
 Even the Bible was an old one.
As for the hosue, No photos allowed in the house was a disappointment.

Ascot House

 We were off, again. This time to Ascot House. Home of the Rothchilds
Even the Gardens were in need of water. Summer is high

 The tudor house was first modernised by the family in the 1890's 
and is still lived  to
I had to get these pictures form the internat a picture inside are not premitted.
But it is a beautiful home, even though we only saw 3 homes.

 The gardens kept looking good even though there is a water restriction

Court House at Little Crissingham

The Little Crissingham Court house is a small NT site
It a walk in site
 The court is a Tudor building s that was at one time a major building
 The little town has not changed much in the last 300 years.
It was town I enjoyed walking around the town and exploring
it was a beautiful Australian day but I was in England

Stroll in London

After visiting the Queens Gallery
We set off to walk up Piccadilly
It was a bit of bright sunny day.

Queens Gallery Exhib

We decided to go to the Queens Gallery at Buckingham Palace 
The exhibition was the great India Tour of the 1890's
The first Object is usually the best.
And it this case it was too.
This finely crafted Ink Well is made of gold and is in 19 pieces.
This one of the queens finest art pieces
A lot of the fine pieces were just functional trays
Some were just for storing feathers 
This one was a simple tray.
But the detail was exceptional
one had a lid that was finely done.
This Box had expansive detail
on the sides and


There were stuff boxes
Pendants and pins
Eggs that were to hold rings

But some of the details would be work away over time