Hampton Court Round 2

Hampton was first visited early in the stay in England
We decided to go again, this time to see what we missed.
The kitchen were still huge 
The fire was still burning
The Gargoyles were just as numerous  
And colourful
The Apartments just as large
The stair just as large
But this time the Gardens were open and a display that was worth visiting
The bees were active on all the flowers
And the walled gardens were impressive.
The flower were great to study.
All with the massive palace in the back ground.

Peak Disctrict Hike

I went to the Peak District with the ward's YM
So off we went to the  for a Hike
Across the stepping stones
The boy were boyant and keen walking in the valley floor
The Valley floor was along a cool stream in the summer heat, this was welcome.

The view magnificent.
The boys got well ahead of us.
Dovedale was the turning point.
The Town had no car and everything is hauled in.
The  hike quickly went up out of the floor and 
quickly in the heat, but the views were of the 
Peak District
The towns were spotted by the church towers
The highest point was a good spot to rest and let bishop catch a breath.
The decent was back into the valley

Back to the stream, and the cool to finish the hike. 
A good day had by all.

Portchestor Castle - The clash of the Romans

Portchester Castle is an English Heritage site
Wed decided to head down there with a YW in tow, 
Anglea is a friend and she hadn't been out for a while.
We arrived to find a peaceful castle
With Romans fighting inside.
It is a weekend called the "clash of the Romans"
Local guys had dressed up and were acting scenes.
A great display was put on.
The little church of St Mary's in the middle even had a wedding going on.
The costumes were very well made and on show. 
It was a hot day and these guys were proud to be wearing it.
And the Crowd was not too large.
during a break, we went up into the castle itself.
where we got to see the castle and the harbor.
After we went to watch a falconry Display
With Harriers, Owls, Eagles and 
 They were very skilled
 But for me, it was the Hobbie.