Christmas 2019

What a year. we have finally been able to have a Christmas with all the family together again.
 Playing Games
 Eating Cake
 Eating more cake
 Lissa and Jakob wore matching tee shirts.
 Stephan started to be like Lissa sticking his tougue out at me.
 Eating more cake
Lissa and Jakob have found they can coomunicate by phone now. LOL.
And Stephan was able to relax with Olivia.
Overall a relaxing day of eating way to much.
Gemma and Jennifer were there but got missed in my photo's

Summer in the Sun at Gardens

We went to the Melbourne Gardens for a lazy afternoon
We just sat around and watched life go passed.
It was a nice afternoon.


Micheal John Still 1936 - 2019

My Uncle Michael Died Last week.
I chatted with Mum and she was feeling down.
Michael had lost Margaret earlier in the year and was quick to follow.
 Micheal with Margaret in 2018
 Michael with his Family
 Michael on his Wedding day
 Micheal with all the family, Daughters, Sons-in-law, Grandchildren
Christmas 2015

Sring in Melbourne

Spring is Finally in Melbourne. Summer is just around the corner.
 Irises at Kew outside work

 Wisteria in Bloom in Point Cook
Flinders Station at Dusk.

Leendertz Family come to stay

Well we are Back and Brier has come to show off her growing Family.
First of course is her Husband - Jeremy, Brier the Mother of the tribe and then Lilli, Axel and Thea Rose.
Thea Loves her food
Axel doesn't eat much
Lilli loves Piiza
Jennifer is so ready to be a grandma.
And Gemma ann wants to be an Aunty
Brier has had a chnace to reconnect with Gemma Ann and the Family.
When Axel eats, he can be very wierd, yes a Fork with his Donut
Thea just eats
Liili could wait for Donuts
Thea just loves Cuddles
Lots of cuddles
Lilli is a real cutie, and cannot wait for school
Jeremy is the attentive Father and close friend of our now.
Thea loves her Aunty Jenny
And always had smiles
Axel this day just wanted to sleep.
Having the Leendertz Family show us all that we are ready for grandchildren.

Dubbo - Family Union.

Breakfast with the Family.
Finally, we were all together.
and Formal Photo
The Girls of the Family.
Fun with them all
Really the kids in the back do play.
Us with each other.

OK, sometimes she thinks I'm crazy
The family is all crazy and proud of it.

The Long Way Home

In 5 weeks we visited the North of France by Road via Amsterdam, Scotland by Road, Austria via Munich, then we did the long way home via Rome and Hong Kong.
This was One Fanatastic Trip, way too much driving, but What a Trip.
One to Remember.

Hong Kong - Day Four - Relaxing Day

The View from the Hotel showed what Hong Kong is About.
Buildings and not much else.
Today we wanted to explore Hong Kong
So we hopped into a Ding Ding.
We relaxed and went
We rode past the big Building we saw the other day on the cruise
Todays Target was Man Mo Temple.
1800s temple featuring a lavish, traditional interior with dozens of incense spirals overhead.
We arrived at Mam Mo Temple.
and there weren't the crowds as expected
As the description stated
it placed full of Insense.
and Lots of it
After that went to the Conference Centre to see 
the site of the British handover
and found the place was not expected.
We found that the Mainland is manulating the story,
to modified history to suit themsleve.
Hong Kong is a busy City build
 on hardwork and enterprise.
The hotel view was exceptional. 
On the way to the Airport we passed the Port.
and we ended the day at the Airport.