Black Country Living Museum

Black Country Living Museum is in Birmingham
It was target place to go to today
The rain had stopped and sun was trying to come out.
This is a collection of old buildings and 
workshop that have been preserved in about the 1920's
They even have group come here to do re-enactments
today was the WW1 Troop training.
Lunch was in the old Workingman club.
Jennifer Loved the Dressmakers shop.
I loved the Hardware Shop
Where I got to make a Coal Shovel.
The shop had a lot of prodcue and stock in it, most was for sale. 
When I cam out onto the main street
We came across the troop again.
The main street was slipt into two parts by the Canal.
I got this shot in as people were moving around, Luckily not many in the shot.

The coalyard was interesting but not working.

Same with the Lime Works.
Overall another lovely place to visit and would have been better in Summer.

Snowdonia Round 2

It was Sunday and time for us to head back.
So we decided to drive through the south Snowdonia
to a place called Dolgellau
The  Rain had stopped but the wind was strong and cloud low.
We saw Welsh Black Sheep in Wales.
The mountains became clear occasionally, and
Jennifer was driving due to me foot still being very sore.
As we approached Dolgellau we got to see Penyader in the background
Dolgellau is a beautiful stone Welsh town reflecting much of the beauty around it.

As we continued South the Views drifted passed.

Short Stack

Jennifer was driving now so she was in control of where we went.
So the Top of Wales was the target, a place called Short Stack.
For me, the FJ login screen I see every day is of Short Stack.
It on beautiful coastline
I tried to find the exact spot the photo I see is taken from.

But quickly discovered in is in a zone that I was not allowed in.
We also watched a Coastguard Helicopter do hover training.
What a place to do that..

Snowdonia Drive

After Chester, we decided to drive through  to Snowdonia by  Betws-y-Coed
Yah we were going to Wales.
On a church on the way jennifer spot a memorial flow that was still up.
But once in Snowdonia the rain settled in.
and it poured, but the scenery was magnificant of what we saw.
We made it to the pass at Glyder Fawr
And what a view. between the rain.
and the valley below looked like an ideal adventure, 
wish we could see it better.
So we continued to drive.
In the mountains were some great homes too.
We stopped to stretch the legs and the rain had stopped for while
We passed the Dragon seat
This had been craved from one tree
great idea.
passed a water fall
Then disaster struck, I fell and sprained by ankle very Bad.
Camera was safe, and it started to rain again.
jennifer was now having to Drive.

Chester Round 1

This day was to be a long one, we had a lot to do, so we set off early.
On the way to Chester we spotted a Big Bunny
Boy has Peter Rabbit Grown.

Chester is a large town with alarge wall around it, a Roman wall to be exact.
This wall was built in 50AD.
From the wall you can see the amphitheater was was discovered only recently.
Now the road has to go around it.
The walls are still used by locals for a way to get in and out of town.
The gate was enlarge in the 1800's
the wall is still in very good order.
Jennifer was feeling better and was out with her camera too.
St Johns Parch Church was a restore cathedral
With the original ruins still around it.
But inside was like stepping back to the 1600's 
The windows were still orginal
although they had to restore the roof.
But what beautiful windows.
But the church itself was a wonder.
together, is was pleasant to be in.
one of the windows had just been restored.
And the lighting was internal, great for Pictures