Elder helping in the Gardens


We have the elders over often to help with the larger items of the Garden.

They are keen to get there hands into the service.

We kind find them a meal after, and we enjoy the company.


Silvan Lake drive with Gemm-Ann

 On Boxing Day, Gemma-Ann got bored so I went to Silvan Lake with her.

This is the local Lake that is just around the corner from us. Gemma-Ann was keen to learn more.

Epic scenery.

The lake is local, just at the bottom of the hill we live on.
The scenery was epic and it's on my doorstep so to speak.
Gemma -Ann took some picture of me, It reminder her of her Grand-Dad
Son like Father.
The lake is not reachable as it is a water source for Melbourne.
But the forest is the feature
We enjoyed the afternoon together, something we hadn't done in a long time.

Christmas 2020

 The last of 2020 was behind us. What year. Jennifer have major surgery, Covid locakdowns, Work from Home for most of year, a Grand Daughter arriving and moving house in the middle of all of this. 

So Christmas was more a celabration we had made it in Style. Well done Taylors.

Evelyn goes to the Zoo

 Lissa and Jakob took Evelyn tot he Zoo for the first Time

She obvoiusly loved it.

William Ricketts Sanctuary

 We decided to go for a walk and see what was local

William Ricketts Sanctuary is just down the road.

This is where an artist by the name of William Ricketts set beautiful life sculptures within the forest 

Each one is unique
Each one is set into stone.
Set in dense fernery of Mt Dandenong.

Each with its own very fine detail.
An enjoyable outing.

We finally get to see our Grand Daughter

 We finally get to see our Grand Daughter

 She learn to Laugh on the very day we went home.

But she is a very baby cutie.

‎⁨Healesville Sanctuary⁩ our local Zoo

 ‎⁨Healesville Sanctuary is our Local Zoo.

But it specializes in Australian Fauna and Animals

We completed a quick short walk around it to check it out.



Wood Duck
And the Bower Bird, We hear these at home but never see them.

Evelyn 3 Months Old

 Evelyn is 3 Months Old now. boy does time fly fast. We hope to see her soon.


Skyhigh, The highest point on Mt Dandenong, it just up the road from us in Kalorama.

Cloud Hill 1st Visit

Our first Vist to CLOUD HILL

Cloud Hill is a Digger Club Garden just up the road from us in Olinda

It has losts of walks through beautiful gardens, with lots of Vista's.

Due to the lock down, they have been able to get ahead on the weeding and plantings plans

The cute shed gave us Idea's for the new Tool shed .

But it was the layout of the gardens with it views and fresh garden plants that were on show. 

We'll be going there a lot more in the future.

Sold sticker on the Old House

 Finally, we have a SOLD sticker on the old house.

Due to Covid, we didn't get what we wanted but enough to not be in trouble.

             We have owned the place since we built it. more than 9.5 years ago. not quite 10 years.

Meet Gloria

 The garden is blooming but in the mess are gorgeous flowers. 

Azaleas and Rhodes are out in bloom.


But last but not least is Gloria, 

The previous owners left a chicken, so we named her  GLORIA.

Delightfull Guests

This week's quests in the Garden were two gorgeous birds.

The first hiding in the trees is a King Parrot. the beautiful red-head and red-breast make them a delight.

Second out in the sun was a kookaburra. he was watching us more than we were watching him. 

Still a delight to have in the garden.


2 months and growing fast

 Evelyn is going so fast, 2 months old and we still haven;t been able to visit her. Covid Lockdown is starting to be very annoying, Maybe next month.