Sold sticker on the Old House

 Finally, we have a SOLD sticker on the old house.

Due to Covid, we didn't get what we wanted but enough to not be in trouble.

             We have owned the place since we built it. more than 9.5 years ago. not quite 10 years.

Meet Gloria

 The garden is blooming but in the mess are gorgeous flowers. 

Azaleas and Rhodes are out in bloom.


But last but not least is Gloria, 

The previous owners left a chicken, so we named her  GLORIA.

Delightfull Guests

This week's quests in the Garden were two gorgeous birds.

The first hiding in the trees is a King Parrot. the beautiful red-head and red-breast make them a delight.

Second out in the sun was a kookaburra. he was watching us more than we were watching him. 

Still a delight to have in the garden.


2 months and growing fast

 Evelyn is going so fast, 2 months old and we still haven;t been able to visit her. Covid Lockdown is starting to be very annoying, Maybe next month.

Stephan 27th Brithday in Covid Lockdown

 We were planning a large birthday party for Stephan RJ but due to Covid we found we couldn't.

So Gemma-ann and Emma came to include us in their bubbles and we celebrated.

We called Lissa and family. Evelyn was awake for a feed. 

(Notice on the Phone she is eyeing the cake up)

Olinda Falls - Quiet Sunday in lockdown

 Olinda fals isjust down the hill so we went to explore.

It is in the 5KM's that we're allowed to travel. 

So off we went.

Jennifer was looking good and it's been 12 weeks since surgery

The scene was what you expect from the Dandenong National Park

But unfortunately the falls have much to live upto.