Noojee trip


Noojee is a small town on the way to Mt Baw Baw

So I went for drive to get there, the Little Red Duck Cafe had a nice hot choclate on a cold wet day

Nothing much there, it was a former Timber town.

Most People pass straight through it.

The scenery is beautiful around it.


Small town trapped in time




Noojee Trestle Bridge

 Noojee Trestle Bridge was on the way back home. This site was crowded and a easy walk up and down.

It spans 19 Beams and is 140 metre's long, so here are the shots.


Toorongo Falls

 Torrronga Falls was my target today. It is one of Victoria's largest waterfall, and I travel on a day that was raining, so they should have running well.

And it was, Below are the best shot taken that day.

Granddad I rolled over

This littke angel is going so fast. Lissa took this the first time Evelyn rolled over. 

Cape Paterson

 On the last day of my Holiday, we decided to do a raod trip down to the sea.

Somewhere we hadn't been before.

First we went to Inverloch, This is typical seaside Holiday Town

We then decided to travel to Cape Paterson beofre heading up.

As we missed through Wonthaggi, jennifer noticed a haberdashery store closing down and purchased a lot of cottons for her machine,  Well the trip was worth it , if not for that.

Evelyn's Blessing

 Evelyn's Blessing had been delayed in the hope the Covid19 restrcitions would ease. 

Unfortuatleyit didn;t and lissa and Jakob thought they could put it off any longer.

so in a park in Campelltown ,Jakob blessed her. withthe family all remotely listening.

Still a special event.


Warbuton forest

 On the 1st of Jan 2021, 

We decide to check out the Warbuton redwood forest.

It's a small patch of redwoods of about 5 acre's
They are about 100 years old.
Lots of people, and we enjoyed oursleves