Blue Lotus Water Gardens

 Blue Lotus Water Gardens have been in lock down for a long time and then the season was getting late

So this weekend we decided it was time to get out there.

Last time we were there they had large ponds, Now there are in excess of 15 ponds.

They have grown in a major tourist attraction now.

Cloudhill visit

 Cloudhill is not far from us.

So we decided to go there.

Today it was in the cloud too.


Yes - We live in the clouds

Yes, we live in the clouds.

Today the cloud is below us. the valley is covered in cloud and we are above it.


A Liitle friend on the Path

The Little Friend on the path is a Green Orb-weaver spider

Each day it spins a new web just the left of the path. it is about the size of your pinky finger.

But it is beautiful and luckily not very poisonous.


Birds waiting for food.

 We have been feeding the birds out front for 5 months now. 

And today they were waiting.

First was a king Parrot waiting on the Windowsill.

In the tree were a Kookaburra, Cockatoo and Red Crimson Parrots,

There was even a Forest Raven waiting.

But it was the King tapping on the window that made this morning special.

Kookaburra out front

 Kookaburras occasionally come into the garden to hunt for geckos and lizards.

But don't stay long.

 This one rested in the front tree


Visit from the King and Queen of the Forest

 King Parrots are rare in the forest so when they visit it is special.

They are usually friendly and some will feed on your hand.

This pair came to visit us and were around for a couple of days. 


The queen in her green is elegant. Meanwhile, her husband is bright red.

He shares for her of course

But he is stil a King Parrot.

Skink in the garden


The Skinks in the Garden are starting to get use to us.
Or we're getting use to them.

This one has found after we cleared another Camilia