Trip to the Zoo

 OK, Taking a grandchild to the zoo is special.

SO he is how it went

First, we saw the Animals quickly.
Even those that didn't want to wake up in the heat.
Had a giraffe experience with Evelyn feeding them and getting slobbered by them.
But it was the waterhole fun that was the highlight.

Sent home early

 We found Nara and the other Dogs were not compatible.

So Nara went home early with Stephan RJ and Gemma-Ann after boxing day.

We were only apart for four days but she missed us immensely.

And while the parents are away, the children play.....

Birds around me.

 I love taking pictures of Birds. Some are in my own Garden or Forest, or at Dubbo recently.

This one I caught at the Dubbo zoo on the Elephant Compound
This one was with the Cheetahs
Or in the Picnic Area
Or down by the river
How about the palm outside Lissa's place

It was a feeding frenzy in the palm tree that day

This one tried hiding in a tree

But came down when he thought it was safe.

This guy was feeding in the rain.
Not seen often at the feeding tray.
These King Parrots were are a regular.

The cockatoos are a regular and normal fight for a place. This time I had four of them discussing who goes first.

This guy won though.

Christmas Fun

 Some of the Christmas Fun we had at Lissa and Jakob's place

Evelyn was enjoying herself
As a family Photo, well that was not so easy.
Granddad and granddaughter got to pick at the chocolate together.
one for you, one for me. Evelyn loved sharing her cheerio's
IT is heavy work have a good friend at Christmas
I'm still not sure who was the naughty one and who was nice.
We also got to have a breakfast picnic with Evelyn. Overall, a great Christmas.

Purpose for traveling 10 Hours

So would you travel 10 hours to see someone, Yes I would. 

For me, it is my Granddaughter  Evelyn.


Morning walks in the forest

 Each morning we take Nara up to Fibveways or down to the silvan forest for her walk.

Some of the early mornings in the forest give us some beautiful views.

Well worth the effort.