Visit to Kurth Kiln

I gave Gemma Ann my Camera as we visited Kurth Kiln
And all I got was Pictures  of Nara playing in the water.



Anzac Day Remembence

 On Anzac Day, the local memorial had a small Commemoration Service. 

The service was attended by at least 200 People.

It was small well coordinated service giving the locals a chance to remeber those that gave all to protect the freedoms so many take from granted.

I have a new Grandson


Magnus Taylor Ellis BALCON 

born on the 7th April 2022.

He decided to come three weeks early

He's only three week old and he is already stiring the family up.


Cheap Waterlily

 We got a cheap waterlily at the plant show last year and this summer it was meant to bloom once. We end up with about 6 all up.

They are a beautiful soft yellow. and as soon and one dies down another was appearing. A great summer flower.