Gemma-ann has a new Puppy.

 Gemma-ann has picked up her new Puppy. Meet Luna.


Luna is only 10 weeks old and is a Cavadoodle.

     Luna has started to settle with Nara, 

but Nara is Big and bounces too much for Luna they have the potential of being great friends.


Family Photo's at the Zoo

Photo's of Lissa Famil at the zoo.

Lissa is so happy with her Family.

 Evelyn was happy, spider T-Sheet and Tiger Hair Clip. Great day at the zoo.



Going to the Sydney zoo with Grandma

Going to the Zoo in Sydney is strange

 First, you go on the Train with Grandma,


Then you walk around Sydney with Aunty

Then you go on a Ferry across the Harbour

And then on a Gondola.

It heavy work


Quiet Sunday Afternoon with Family

 After the Blessing, we went to Jakob's Family Home. Host by the in-laws.

This gave the kids a chance to relax and run around, and for us to get to know the Family.

It was gathered outside but the food was great, 

slow-cooked pork with Spicy chicken wings and burger goods.

Gemma got to Cuddle Magnus.
Evelyn got to play with her cousins
Jennifer just sat and talked getting cold the whole time.

Magnus Blessing.


Magnus finally got blessed on the 14 of August, And all the family was there.

And I mean all the Family. It was a great Gathering.
Magnus was a perfect quiet baby
Jakob was Smiling the whole time, while Evelyn was just bemused by all the action
But her cousins were there so it was alright, Amelia and Lilly. 
(Lilly is one week young than Evelyn).
Evelyn was cute so that covered it.
But when Evelyn had enough, she was ready to go.



Evelyn's Birthday Party (2)

 In the evening, we went to a Pub Diner for Evelyn's Birthday Party

All of Jakob and Lissa's Family were there. 

As we had not met since the Wedding it was a great chance to get to know each other.

Evelyn got the usual doll sets and made sure they all had clean nappies..LOL.


Birthday presents for Evelyn. A time to enjoy.

 This weekend was time to catch up with Lissa and her Brood - Our grandchildren

First breakfast at a Dessert Bar
Then the kids arrived at the Unit we had, and Evelyn loved her new Coat.
Then Uncle Stephan got Evelyn her first Car, It was a Jeep and he had to build it.

While Grandma had to push start for me. Pedal power wasn;t quite strong enough.

Catchup with Magnus

 Well we drove to Syndey to cath up with the Grandchildern.

Magnus is growing so fast. He is now 4 motnhs old.


Visiting the Sydney Beaches

Manly Beach was the next stop for the day.

We had Lunch at the Moo Burger Bar and strolled down the beach. It was Cold.
It was a chance for us to be with Gemma and relax.
The to Bondi Beach, Just as Cold and not welcoming.

It then took almost two hours to get back to the Unit. We were cold and tired by then.




Manly Beach, Sydney

 While in Sydney we decided to go to a a few places

My first stop was the Temple

Second Stop was a place called Bobbies Trap, yes it was a place for Mum's Sewing.

The third the Stop was the Dress Shop we spotted for Mum to get a new Outfit.

OK, not quite the outfit she was expecting, it put her out of her comfort zone.

The cottage is finally coming to shape.

Work Shed is going up at last.

We are now calling it the Cottage.

So far we have had to pay for the permit, the Foundations, and the Framing.

We have gotten everything else that has demolition material from other sources for free.

 It will hold all my tools and give me a workspace.

Finally, the tools can come out of the storage and start being used.