Rain Rain and more Rain

Well, the first month of spring is here and it has been the wettest Spring on record.

Flooding down in the valley and lots of mud around. The garden has tried its best to bloom, but the wind and rain have taken their toll.

The tulips and daffodils came and went almost as fast as they appeared. The rhododendrons and azaleas have been beautiful this year and have lasted a long time.

The peonies came a went but had a lot of growth on them. The weeds have had their way too as well have not been able to get out a weed them when they were young.

But the bronze breech is now out in all its glory, so summer is not far away.

Walking Nara in the morning has become one of the pleasures of life.

Walking Nara in the morning has become one of the pleasures of life. 
She has grown so much over the last year.
And the forest in the morning is so peaceful
So quiet with just the sounds of the birds and a dog running in the forest.