Monet at Lune

 The exhibit at the Lune has changed and is now "Monet and Friends".

So off we went, Stephan and Mel were back, and Gemma-ann was still with us.

The show was based on the Impressionist Movement. As we like the impressionists we had to go.

A fun morning for all that attended.

New Lotus Pond

 We got a large Pond off a Facebook site early in the year and the pond has gone in. 

We deliberately put it into the hottest and sunniest spot in the garden.

The aim was to put a Lotus pond. They need bright light and warm conditions.

So this weekend we setup with finally getting the Lotuses

Luna thought the pond was a new Swimming pool. Instead, it becomes the new race Track to run around.

Christmas 2022

 Christmas 2022 was a quiet affair this year.

On Christmas eve this year, we had the usual turkey dinner ( Jamie Olver Style) that mum cooked.

As Stephan RJ and Mel were going away to her Parents across Christmas.

So Christmas Dinner this here was just a quiet meal with Gemm-Ann and the Dogs.

The food was good, and the music was peaceful and spot-on for the occasion.

The dogs enjoyed being outside although the Bandaners did stay on very long.

The day was also not so hot, so it was pleasant outside.

Out on the town enjoying the Christmas lights

 Each Year we enjoy going into the city to watch the Christmas Lights

This year, we did it on a Friday night just before Christmas weekend.

 It was very crowded, and surprisingly not many lights.

So we got some food and enjoyed the evening.

Dogs having fun digging a hole

 Nara and Luna are the best of friends, 

they enjoy being outside in the garden digging up plants spreading weeds and digging a hole.

Christmas Tree Goes up

 I let Jennifer convince me the the Christmas tree could go up in the 2nd of Decmeber

She wanted a real tree this year. 

It was just as well we go it then, as there is a shortage of trees this year.

Now to teach the Dogs not to touch the decorations.