Nana has her Birthday

 Nara joined us as a puppy striaght after the Big Storn of 2021

She is now part fo the Family.

So we decided to celebrate her a Birthday.

Nara got her favorite, Soft meat with Lots of Cheese.


Time out with Mel and Stephan

 We decided to have some timeout with Stephan and Mel at TGIF 

The meal was mostly everything we liked and we shared it all .

As you ecpect there was left overs, but still a good night.



Firewood Time - time to spilt next years firewood.

 During the year, we collect firewood from around the area,  Some of it is to big to split ourselves so we borrow a local wood splitter from a neighbour Jenny advanced from chainsaw to wood splitter. She is getting faster and it is not hurting her back as she works.