Mel's Birthday

 At the end of Month, was Mel's Birthday

She hit the big 30.

We all went out for dinner at TGI'Fridays

It was an Enjoyable evening with Family and new Friends

Happ Birthday

Road Blocked on Old Coach road

 Sometimes, I liek to slip up Old Coach Road as it is faster home and I have have a 4x4 Truck.

But tonight I ran into a road block. And I had to reverse down the hill. If I had had my chaonsaw, I would have grabbed the firewood, but I did not.

Michael Still - My Uncle

My Uncle died on the 6th of Nov 2019. we had just been back from england for about 6 months by then. 

I got to see him about 3 times while he we were there, due to his helath we couldn't do it more.

I got photo from his Daughter Liz. I time to remember, probably his last birthday.

Remembering the great Storm

I have gathered up some pictures of the great storm that was 2 years ago.
It is still freah on way to many locals
And with the lack of Government support, it could remain that way for a while.
These photo's show the magnitude of the storm.

Grandchildern are growing up

Lissa sends us picture regularly of the kids growing up.
Evelyn is becoming a real princess and Magnus is becoming an adventurous Boy.

Belated Birthday

Yah I turned 60 years old. But no one was around so I had a quiet day, and a few Days later they came with cake to celabrate

The cake was red velvet so I was happy.
Also a time for the family to gather

Special Day Drive

 The 1st of June is Special for me. So I went for the Drive with Nara.

The Drive was to check out Sugarloaf Dam ( they don;t allow dogs) and then onto Kangroo Grounds.

The is a Hill to the North of Melbourne City. 

WE came to saw. Not much but a Nice Drive.