QVM visit

 We went to QVM to top up the Xmas Supplies and Of Cource Evelyn found the Unicorn Headband.

Good to show the kids the excitement of the Market.



Boxing Day trip

 Well, Boxing Day arrived and the Evelyn wanted to go see Bluey at Meyers

So off we went ont he train. Just Evelyn, Jakob and Granddad

The Train Trip was early and we got to the Spencer Station Mall early.
Plan was Walkers Donuts for Breakfast, But they were closed.
So we had Ice cream for Breakfast with the birds.

After that we went to Meyers and found the Bluey show had end on Christmas eve
Evelyn was disappointed
So she had to pat a Dinosuar instead with Dad holding her as well.


Christmas 2023

 Well we had a great Christmas with the family,

Lissa, Jakob, Evelyn, Magnus and Sia with

Gemma-Ann and Luna

Stephan Jr had flown in about a week early.

Christmas was good.



The Grandchildern Arrive for Christmas

 Eveluyn and Magnus arrived for Christmas on the 23rd. 

The first thing Evelyn wanted to do was  go to the forest for the walk.

Love living inthe hills

I just Love living in the Hills 
being so close to nature at the doorstep.

Carols at work

 I am currently working for a Power Company in Town. 

And they respect there employees

Strange for the company these days.

They arrange for events regularly at work.

As Christmas comes around, they arrange things like carol singers.

 Not to Mention Dinner events for all the teams.



Wildlife on the walk

 Jennifer, Nara and I regularly go for walks.

Along the way we find wildlife, sometimes it's birds and sometime wallabies, so we need to keep Nara under control but with this baby Ecidna so knows stay away the spikes hurt.