Warbuton for Swim.

 It got very hot on the Last day of the Year so what did we do, we took the Dogs for a swim and to Buy a new Fridge.

The dogs were keen.

And the River Fresh
Nara Enjoyed herself

And Luna got wet too.

Time for Family Photo's

 Time for Family Photo's to start coming in from the Christmas time.

It was a time to show how Families have Grown and new Additions


Andrews Family is not growing yet.


 Pauline's Family is growing and Fast

BJ's Family is still the Same.

Lissa's Famil Also.




But All are Happy



As usual Nothing from Stephan's Side of the Family.

Bascially a white Christmas.

 We got up to find the clouds were low, so we got a sort of white Christmas.

Time for Family and lot sofFood to Celebrate,


Stephan RJ is Home for Christmas.

 Stephan RJ is Home for Christmas. After a 37Hr drive to get home from Katherine, he basically climbed on the couch and slept. But he is home


Hetelos for Dinner

As Jennifer is away at  for Christmas in Perth,we decided to go out to a posh dinner at Hetelos

This a very large vineyard, with Hotel, Sap and more.

The restaurant is fantastic.

The food great and the service was very high 

Just a treat for us 


Nara Loves Water

 After the forest walk, I take Nara to a nearby stream and she loves

to play in the water chasing sticks.

 Happy dog and happy me.


Great food and wine Show - Christmas market.

 Gemma Ann got us Tickets tot he Great food and wine Show - Christmas market.

So off we went tot he market.

It was smaller they expected.

But that was what we needed. we spent a bit and enjoyed ourselves, 

and thats what counts.


Spring is in the air.


Spring is in the air. 

And the Iries are now out 

This years Black Iries are Beautiful.


The Hammock is out,

The Hammock came out, immediately Nara wanted in.

She loves the Hammock and loves to slepp in it.

She shared it with Luna but Luna would sleep still.



Nara loves Yoda

 Nara has a New Toy 

Voda flew in from Costco 

It took a lot of work to get her to sit still 

She would like to show Voda who's boss, so we don;t expect it to last long.


Spring is Out,

The Gecko's are out in the Sun and even Luna 

enjoys the sun on Her Face

The Gardne is going Crazy.


Nara down Sick

Nara is loved by all so when she goes down sick.

It off to the vet for Antibotic's and Tablets

It took her 3 days to come right again, We still don;t knwo what it was.



Nara Loves Swimming

 On Days that are warming up, and if we have time, I take Nara to the Local Lake.

There I throw the ball around the lake and she loves swimming to go get it.

If she could stay all dayI'm sure she would.




A real primary for Evenlyn

 We went to church today and evelyngot to go to Primary.

There were so many kids there that she needed Grandma to be with her.

 Evelyn loved Primary at church.

Mugnus colapse to sleep

Magnus decided he didn;t want to take a nap this afternoon,

So we let him stay up. but at about 6:00pm he colapsed on the couch.

So grandma to the rescue, he had a small nap and then dinner and bed.


Three Genearations playimng in the Bed

 Well what can I say, 3 generations playing in the bed and all having fun, witht he dogs as well.





Crazy photos from the week with the kids

 OK, during the week, you take Crazy photos from the week with the kids

Or the kids take crazy photo's

Either way they are fun.