Visiting the NGV

 Jennifer and myself decided we needed time out together

SO we decided to go to the National Galley of Victoria.

We use to go regularly, but since moving it has been a distant thought

There are some real treasures in here but yu need to look past all the not so treasure's,
Still worth and occasional visit, 

IT's not the NGA of London, we just didn't realize we miss it so mush.

Great day out.

we stopped for lunch in town and just mellowed out.

Forest in Summer

The Forest in Summer is a great time to enjoy a walk in the forest.

I go down the valley below us and walk Nara there a lot.

She loves to run amongst the tree trying to find wildlife. Most of the time she doesn't find any.

But still a great walk in the morning


Shopping with Grandad

 Lissa needed supplies for the long drive hime

It became an excuse to go out.

New Dress for Evelyn

 As a parting gift for Evenlyn, 

Grandma made Everlyn and new Dress

Show had to model it for veryone to see.

She was the perfect model.

New Years Day with Aunt and Grandad

 New Years Day was the last day of the kids visit.

So we took then to the Park to Play.

Everlyn loves this park.

 Magnus loved the rocking Ladybug

Everylynis a swing master


They loved the Slide with Aunty

But they day turned wet afterward and we needed to Pack, 

so Magnus and Nara had to Watch from the window.


Happy New Year

 New Year

This year was with the Kids

Evelyn got to stay up to see the early fireworks at 09:30 

and then we all went off to bed.