Drom, A fine French bakery

 One of the thing I missed being in Europe was not being able to find a decent Bakery.

DROM open about 4 months ago and that is fine baked Goods

 We enjoy visiting and eating the delights.

Anzac Day

 Anzac Day is becoming a hibit

Attending the local peace memorial thats

just around the corner

This year was No different.

Cold and Wet but still was there.


Down the Mine

 I finaly got to go down the Mine at Loy Yang

 The Mine is large, About 3 Km long, 
and the machinery is very large, Safety protocols are everywhere.


The dreadgers are very large, this one is the smallest of them and the closet we could get. Notice the little Bulldozer thats under it, thats not a little Bulldozer.

And they have 4 Of them.

Afterwards we had lunch in the cantern
Real burger, soda and and piece off good Chocolate.


Birthday for Magnus

Magnus had has Birthday on the Saturday, He made it to 2 years. We gave him a dino playset which of course evelyn liked too.


He had a Volcano Dinner with Dino's swimming in Lava(gravy), 

Even Evelyn loved that meal and ate lots.


Cold and Wet in Mudgee

We went to Mudgee and bought the rain with us. It was cold and wet the whole time.


Evelyn Loves Ice Cream

We made it to Magnus's birthday this year, so we drove to Mudgee, that 10.5 of driving.

On the first day evelyntold us she loves Ice Cream,  So she got one unicorn floavoured before going to woolworths and a Lemon and strawberry one after we went ot Woolworths.

After that she only had one ice cream a day....