Nara has Surgrey

 Nara cut her foot while we were out walking.

It looked like she cut herself on some Glass and it went through her Back Paw to the bone.

So a quick visit to the Vet 

And some some surgrey

It took her a whole 24 hours to gteover the drugs they gave her

Recovery was sleeping on Mum and Dads bed for the day and most of the night

So she got to sleep and we had a restless night

'But it will be 10 days before she possibly has the stitches out.

What we do for this family member

I'm now an Aussie


It took 12 years of Paperwork, sticking to rules and Corresspondance

but I am now officcally an Australian.

The ceremoney was on Monday the 17th June 2024

I had to Say the Oath and that was it. 

 Gemma-ann and Jenny were there to Congratulate me as well.




Evelyn the Angel.

 Evelyn came for the weekend, Although she was sick, she loved being here with us.

She made Marshmellow Snowmam,

 Drove in the Cool Car

 and climed into Bed for a 3 generation Shot.


The Weddings, Rommie and Mourits

Rommie and Mourits have been together for 15 plus years,

They met at High School and plan a wedding in Italy.

But Rules have to be met, so the small register wedding 

here in melbourne before they go to Europe. 

It was just small Family affair.

 Congatulations Rommie and Mourits


Evelyn arrive for the weekend.

The Bruns are here and Lissa has arrived with Evelyn

She quickly became the focus for the dogs as she loves to play


Cold and Wet in the Ranges

 This Winter has been a mixed bag weather wise.

Most morning the mist rounds in the soaks everthingto a very wet state, but doesn;t get warm enouhg to dry it out.

So the Ranges are very wet now.

Some photos from those that are game to out in it.


Running the Dogs

 Gemma Ann and myself have gotten into the routine

 of taking the dogs to the Olinda Cricket Ground


 They enjoy the run and we enjoy the Air.


Grandchildren Are growing

 Lissa talks to us most days, and we see the grandchildren on video with her, but it is on occasion that she sends us pictures 

That's when we notice they are growing fast.

Magnus is 2 and Evelyn is almost 4.

Stephan JR is is the NT and enjoying himself.

 Stephan JR is is the NT and enjoying himself. He is now a Ringer with Skills. He sends us pictures occasionally

The sunsets and land are beautiful


Winter is crazy this year

 The winter is usually wet and cold, but this area the autumn was wet and warm.

So this has confused the plants.

the Last of the Autumn flowers are the Tree Dahlia's

and they are now blooming.

but the first of the Spring Flowers are now out as well.

And they are only 6 feet apart.