Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Saying Goodbye is so hard

 Today we said goodbye to our new Daughter, as she heads back to Paris.

Blanches has surprisingly touched a lot of Hearts here in Australia. 

Saying good bye was a lot of Tears and Hugs, And we got to Name her Koala Soft toy..

It is to be NARA, to remind blanche of a dof down under that loves her a lot and may not see her again.

As for the rest of the family. Plans are now cooking to go to Paris.


Monday, September 02, 2024

Botanical gardens

Well Today is Blanche's Last Day, so we went to see the Daffidals 

and then onto see the Botanical Gardens, Blanches mind was somewhere else. So She was keen to get back and plan fopr going to the Flight


Sunday, September 01, 2024

Another Storm

Yep, we had another storm, This one was an Cat3 Cyclone.
Damage to the house was minimal, some window siding coming off
But we lost a tree
and it is hung up so bringing it down is not going to be easy.
Well next years freewood has been sorted.
Just needs chopping up.
Thats a summer job.