It was only about 30 Mins drive to get tot he turn off, another hour of twisting and turning to get to the top. A real strain on the engine going up. And the views were fanatantic, Sorry no pictures due to the rain and the heavy cloud cover. Still a very nice drive.
The drive down only took about 20 mins but was a strain on the brakes. Plan is to come up sometime during the school holidays to enjoy the resort. this place is the only place the police station is a castle in the middle of the road?
On the way home we found out why the traffic slows town in the rain. it becuase the rain can become so hard so fast that you cannot see where you are going, to dangerous to speed.
Lesson learnt, don't turn passing bus when there a puddle ahead. Then don't slow down a the wave is big. Just about washed us off the road. But that another story...