Well We had a Bit of Luck going to Little India again. A Flood had gone through place a few days before hand and a lot of the shops had flood sales on. Mum brought for example, some very nice Shari's for Rm12 each. They would have cost hunderds normally. Mum could have spent a fortune there but she held back, luckly for me and the wallet. Caught this lady making curry puffs. And this Child
WELCOME TO DUCKNZZZ'S PAGE. This Page start back in 2005 as a Record of the events, fun and places my family are having. Having spent most of our lives in New Zealand, and 2 Years in Malaysia, and then in 2008 moved to Australia, which we now call Home. Then back off to England in 2016 for 2.5 years, before Finally coming home to Melbourne. Then moving to the hill's, just to find a community we like.