Little India again after the flood

Well We had a Bit of Luck going to Little India again.
A Flood had gone through place a few days before hand and a lot of the shops had flood sales on. Mum brought for example, some very nice Shari's for Rm12 each. They would have cost hunderds normally.

Mum could have spent a fortune there but she held back, luckly for me and the wallet.

Caught this lady making curry puffs. And this Child

kajang Market

Well We found Kajang market. This is more an Indian Market then Chinese.
Lots of Fruit and Vegetables there and very little meat. Almost no clothing etc.
Liitle Market with some charater.

Maur day trip

Maur is a sleepy town on the Coast about an hour drive south of Malacca.
It is a chinese two that is Christen based, a rarity in Malaysia. Stephan and Myself went a road trip there..
After this we went back to Malacca along the M5 road, A peaceful road with not too much traffic. In Malacca we went tot he Chinese Cemetery. It is surpose to be the big one outside of China. It was very big and hada lot of graves. Most you cannot read.
Over all it was a pleasent day trip.

Half way in Paradise

While today we reach the half way point in our planned stay in Malaysia.
Total time expected in Malaysia is 808 Days. we have now compelted 404.
So we are now on the home last stretch. During this last year we plan to go to Cambodia, Phillipines and Thailand, maybe even to the Mekong if things go to plan...
Here to another Great year in Malaysia..

Old Trucks of malaysia

The Mercedes Truck is the back bone of trade in Malaysia. These trucks are everywhere. Some look the age while other looked restored to the max. Most have wooden doors and drivers seats but the still go. they repair them they are not let to die here. Soem are short tractor unit with long trailersa while other are the the standard 2x4. It the restored ones that catch my eye. Locals say they almost never come up for sell, they stay in the family..

Teluk Intan

We went for a anothe road trip this Saturday and headed for Teluk Intan, a small Town in Perak. The aim of this trip was to see the leaning Tower built in 1885 and see some rice plantations. So we leaft late, 9:30 in the morning, we slept in.Due to heavy traffic we didn't get there until abot 1:00 in the afternoon.

The Town has a lot of small chinese style shops, much like Melacca but has wide streets. We went around the town looking at the old shops and check out the bird cages.After lunch we headed south to see what we could. We found a fishing port with lost of colourful boats. but the smell was bad.

We kept driving south, but no rice padi's So we decide to cut across the E44 back tot he highway and quick trip home. When we turned off the highway and got past the palms by the main road. There they were, As far as the eye could see, Rice fields. Note E44 is a roungh and bumpy road. Stephan enjoyed boucing around the back seat, reminded us a Collins road back in Temple View. But this ones went on for an hour.
great day out, we plan to more like this..