Teluk Intan

We went for a anothe road trip this Saturday and headed for Teluk Intan, a small Town in Perak. The aim of this trip was to see the leaning Tower built in 1885 and see some rice plantations. So we leaft late, 9:30 in the morning, we slept in.Due to heavy traffic we didn't get there until abot 1:00 in the afternoon.

The Town has a lot of small chinese style shops, much like Melacca but has wide streets. We went around the town looking at the old shops and check out the bird cages.After lunch we headed south to see what we could. We found a fishing port with lost of colourful boats. but the smell was bad.

We kept driving south, but no rice padi's So we decide to cut across the E44 back tot he highway and quick trip home. When we turned off the highway and got past the palms by the main road. There they were, As far as the eye could see, Rice fields. Note E44 is a roungh and bumpy road. Stephan enjoyed boucing around the back seat, reminded us a Collins road back in Temple View. But this ones went on for an hour.
great day out, we plan to more like this..