Gallery 324
Gallery 324 is a little Italian place on Toorak Road. It has the typical Pizza and Pasta but this place is run by Italians for the Italian community. I decide that I was going to try one of the risottos. The Wait came and spoke fluent Italian. “English please” was my reply. He then proceeds to let me know the specials of the day. A fine tomato and basil risotto was my chose. With a nice pale pear juice to was it down. After twenty minutes the bowl arrived and it looked great. The waited then asked if I would like some pepper while holding a large pepper mill. I said yes. He then proceeded to dust some pepper on my meal. Disaster strikes, the pepper mile breaks and pepper everywhere across my meal. The waiter is highly apologetic and the bowl disappears. 20 Minutes later after the waiter had cleaned up the mess, the owner and chief present be with a new bowl of risotto. I think they were surprised I had stayed. The risotto is one to be remembered and they refused to charge me for it… I planned and have been back. This time of some pizza and salad on the run, they know how to make pizza of course and the Caesar Salad was fantastic. I will be introducing them to Jennifer very quickly.
Smile Thai
Another food place on Toorak road, which handles fast Thai takeaway. The peppered lamb and lemongrass is fantastic and the Thai rice was also great. All made fresh to order. None of this dish up the front getting cold and mass produced. The place had some Thai ornaments around but it was the smells coming from the kitchen that was interesting.
High Curry
This little Indian diner is in the Victoria Gardens mall. I looked at all the dishes they had on display. No buttered chicken in sight but Chicken Manchada looked very nice, And it was, hot and spicy as you would expect it to be. The saffron nice was served Hot and steaming. All on the metal plate, that we had become accustomed too in Malaysia. Another place to return to
Tonight I plan to eat Chinese, but what sort of Chinese… There are so many takeaway places with walking distance of the new house. It’s decide on which one to go to..