Flooding around us but we're OK.

Good news for us and Bad news for many others.

We were not flooded out but we were watching the local stream very closely.
The Water Tank that was to take 4 months to fill, is now full. 6 weeks since put it in.

The back yard is a sea of wet mud.

As for the rest of Australia. Brisbane and Queensland were the worse hit. Locally the river were high but they are now falling with very little damage, mostly the roads need small repairs as the pot holes are growing.

But the sunset after the storms was beautiful.
So we're all well.
Dad and Lissa were at work
Jennifer and Gemma-ann were at home preparing if the water were to continue to rise
And Stephan was obvious to it as he was at EFY enjoying myself.

As I write this, he's sleeping it off from exhaustion. 5 days of no sleep has that affect. but he enjoyed himself.