Windsor day out number 1

Well Saturday came and I was in No mode to go shopping anymore.
So on went the walking shoes. We walked to Windsor the long way through Datchet.
We had decided that last time we were in Windsor we hadn't had the time to look around Windsor.
Walking along the Thames into Windsor
Then up past the Castle.

To the Long walk.
This walk is 3.5 Miles long. and NO we did not walk the length, just enough to know that we would be back. The  Windsor grounds and Queens park would look better is spring so plans are afoot to be back regularly.

In the town are lots of statues and memorials.
This one is to the Irish Guards.

We stopped in town at the Carpenters Arms and had a Pub Lunch.
It was more dinner but delightful.
And yes it sounds fun, we walked out of pub after having lunch.
Aftet hat we walked around the town and admired the old buildings.
But rain was coming in so off we went heading for home.
Down by the Thames river are lots of White swans, these swans a friendly and will come up close to you, there is someone official watching you all the time to make sure you don't hurt them and they don't hurt you. And a loaf of bread we be gone faster the you can hold it in your hand.

So off we went home cutting through Eton and Eton park to get back home.
Result is we will be back as we can see the scenery changing with the seasons.

Eton and beyond.

 Slough is a boring town but it has so much around it, The first Saturday was spent buys stuff for the flat. And during the week Jennifer went exploring as she went to buy more stuff.
So on Saturday the 18th Feb. Jennifer took me out shopping for the Items that were to heavy for her to carry like a microwave etc.

 In the afternoon though she got chance to show me what is on the door step. ETON College.
On the way we past the Slough Allotment, these one are tidy and need and next to the M4 highway.

 Then we Cut across the park to Eton. Spring is just around the corner.

Eton College was closed to the public as it was the end of the Mid term break. But Eton as a town was beautiful.

 And its just on the doorstep of Windsor.

 We past ashop in Eton with Uniforms and suit and saw this T Shirt. 
We thought and laugh about/with  Lissa

 But it was the walk in the Park with Jennifer that I enjoyed.

The week before the move

 The week before the move was going to be the slowest. We needed to save money as things were very tight. So walking was about all we could do. Jennifer was at the school during the weekdays so I went walking. First to the back streets behind Harrods and Brompton.

On the Saturday went to Notting Hill, Portabello Market. with just enough money to buy food to eat. Yummy Doughnuts was Fruit Mince fillings and  Jamaican Chips washed down with Blood Orange juice with ginger added.

 Oh and let not forget the bread we took home as well. Portabello is not just antiques.....
 During the week I also got to Hammersmith
 And West Kensington
I started work on the Tuesday the 7th Feb, Finally Project england was back on track, 4 months late and £10000 pound shorter. This was one hole that was going to take a little bit to dig ourselves out of.
But we knew London better then most Londoners.

Slough and the new apartment

Well I got a job in Slough, Berkshire, we had to move again.
On the Thursday I looked around for Apartments, and they were very expensive.
Not as dear as in London. but still not a lot cheaper.
 Slough is a town on the outskirts of Greater London. It railway station is a listed Building, But it is best known for the Slough Trading Estate just up the road. I checked out numerous Apartments, from small studio's where you would think the train station was next door, to some the queen would live in, and she could afford.
But I choose this one, 6 Arlington Court. It right next to a school. This a small One bedroom flat downstairs.

 Nice bathroom, Bedroom big enough to walk around in, and a kitchen that was modern as well.
And we could afford it.
So paper work took a week to do and we moved in on the 11th of Feb.

Moving out

 Well the nightmare came to a head on Monday, Another Cold freezing night and the girls in the flat would turn the heating on. We had to move. 489 Hornsey Road was cold, damp and unwelcoming, And a fire hazard in the stairway as well.

So we went out and moved into a small Hotel in Kensington, came through with a great little deal. We also at the time thought that since we were moving back to Aussie. it would be nice to spend the last ten days comfortable.
So the Kensington Suit Hotel became home. 
Again little did we know, that Night I would be offered a good Job in Slough, Berkshire.