Eton and beyond.

 Slough is a boring town but it has so much around it, The first Saturday was spent buys stuff for the flat. And during the week Jennifer went exploring as she went to buy more stuff.
So on Saturday the 18th Feb. Jennifer took me out shopping for the Items that were to heavy for her to carry like a microwave etc.

 In the afternoon though she got chance to show me what is on the door step. ETON College.
On the way we past the Slough Allotment, these one are tidy and need and next to the M4 highway.

 Then we Cut across the park to Eton. Spring is just around the corner.

Eton College was closed to the public as it was the end of the Mid term break. But Eton as a town was beautiful.

 And its just on the doorstep of Windsor.

 We past ashop in Eton with Uniforms and suit and saw this T Shirt. 
We thought and laugh about/with  Lissa

 But it was the walk in the Park with Jennifer that I enjoyed.