Paris Day Two - Part Four - Wednesday

 Grand Opera

We arrived just as it started raining hard. So in we went, We got he ticket for the tour just in time, Clare the guide had a group of about 12 of us. 

She knew her stuff about the opera hall and we went to places inside normal tourist don’t go. When we came out at about 04;00 in the afternoon it was raining hard still.
We caught the BIG BUS back to Notre Dame. By this time it had stopped raining.  So we decided to use the time to walk about the Latin Quarter.   

The little back streets were full of artists shops and book shops, Jennifer enjoyed herself but was getting tired.
So we walked across the Islands back to ‘Rue de Ravoli’ and walked slowly down the road checking out the food shops, what a street, Formage shops, biscuit shops, butchers with fowl of all sorts.
Rue de Ravoli comes out at La Bastille again back to the Hotel to unload and head out for Dinner.
We went to the La Bastille area to find a restaurant.  We found one, but quick caught on that the Menu was made for American tourists, but we were tired. So I ordered the ravioli, bad move as the meal was like packet goods. A sticky mess of pasta. We decide not to go there and find a small café we liked. We were to find it locally to the hotel.
Once back to the hotel we watch French TV for and chased on the bed. That was the end of Day one and what a day.